bacpypes copied to clipboard
Create a LocalTrendLogObject with all the right stuff for maintaining the log which will need an additional API for interpreting the Range choices as well as something like log_status()
, log_value()
, log_failure()
, and log_time_change()
. Continuation of #207. This might include a LocalEventLogObject as well.
any news from this object? is it implemented or not yet? I wish to have a such object in BIPSimpleApplication, but I could not find any
Yikes! Almost a year! No, nothing yet. :-(
nightmare.... thought it would be an easy ride
Quite a bit of a pain. Are you dealing with non-primitive data types in the LogRecordLogDatum
A realValue... i just don't get it.
The internal data type is a ListOf or a SequenceOfAny depending on how I generate logBuffer internally.
I end up with some bytes error saying that bytes value should be between 0-256 ... or an invalid constructor.
This error occurs when I try to readRange the logBuffer from another BAC0 instance. As this is under the doReadRange thing.
Note to myself, remember bacpypes deal with dates as year minus 1900... been hard to tackle down. There should be a "StupidProof" mechanism in the Date class that subtract 1900 if it sees a 2000 date....
This explained the bytes error... and allowed me to fill the itemData of the response
resp = ReadRangeACK(context=apdu)
resp.objectIdentifier = objId
resp.propertyIdentifier = apdu.propertyIdentifier
resp.propertyArrayIndex = apdu.propertyArrayIndex
resp.resultFlags = [1, 1, 0]
resp.itemCount = len(value)
# save the result in the item data
item_data = SequenceOfAny()
resp.itemData = item_data
self._log.debug(" - itemData : %r", resp.itemData)
self._log.debug(" - resp: %r", resp)
Made me refactor BAC0 to treat logDeviceObjectProperties as otional...
Each LogRecord is built this way
statusFlags=StatusFlags([0, 0, 0, 0]),
Now I need to figure a good way to build some kind of database in memory from the reading I then build the logRecord.... I actually done something weak and I get duplicates.
Hope those notes will help others