PiedPiPer.safariextension copied to clipboard
PiedPiPer removed from Safari Extension list
I've had to reinstall PiedPiPer twice now, and I'm not sure why...
Closing and reopening Safari seems to have no effect, nor does a reboot (in that neither rebooting or restarting Safari seem to be the culprit here).
Similar experience here
Yeah same :/
+1 here
I keep going in circles on this one. On my development machine I have to reinstall more often, so it must have something to do with killing the safari cache. I am keeping an eye on the plist files to see if anything in their gives a clue as to why it disappears. I'll let you guys know.
Thanks for looking into this. I just discovered your extension and can't live without it haha. How can we give you money? :D
My idea is – maybe it has to do with the unorthodox naming ('í')? I've had issues with stuff like that in unexpected areas before (RSS feeds) … who knows.
I think the new version addresses this. Apple looked it over on review for safari extension gallery approval and all they found was that I was missing a key in the plist. I fixed it in this version, so hopefully all of you are good. Let me know.
Unfortunately … even the new version disappeared on me today, first time. :-(
Nooooooooooooo!!! Crap, first time. It hasn't disappeared on Amy of my machines yet, but I'll keep an eye out. I think I am just going to have to use one of my support tickets with apple on this one as I haven't found any errors.
It's been stable on mine since the update
For me too and everyone I know locally. So far the only instance of it disappearing that I know of is @gitlik. I haven't put in a ticket with apple yet until I hear more.
It does this from time to time for me, I think three times (possibly every time Safari updates, most recently today). I am not sure about when it updates but, Safari is not my primary browser. Simple fix is to just follow the install instructions again and restart Safari. That has fixed it every time, and it may be due to how strict Apple is on policy, their app store is frustrating too.