Jöran Karl
Jöran Karl
Should be possible...at least in the first place. How to decide what shall be added as an plugin and what internally or merged afterwards? But yes, as a plugin it...
By default `Vim` stops at a line length of 3k, but `micro` now doesn't (care): 
> Create a file with 1MB of characters on one line and micro will freeze or slow but will work. This is caused by https://github.com/zyedidia/micro/blob/master/internal/util/unicode.go#L69 resp. `utf8.DecodeRune` which takes the...
> Yeah but I am almost sure not fully. Why? I tried one time assume that my file will be ascii only so no unicode and I deleted the length...
> Create a file with 1MB of characters on one line and micro will freeze or slow but will work. Didn't you use something like the following to create the...
Yep, that's an good idea to solve this here as well. Maybe I'll take care of this in the next few days. If someone would like to improve this earlier...
> But why do it in this PR? It is not really a highlighter issue. > Yeah it is a separate issue I give both of you right, that the...
Ok, you convinced me once again. I started yesterday in the evening with a small rework (independent from the highlighting): https://github.com/JoeKar/micro/tree/feature/perf-rune-lines The branch is highly floating and the result (line...
> [...] so I think @dmaluka is right and highlight should be separate pull request (and issue?) Yes, this one wouldn't be mixed up with the other idea/improvement optimizing and...
> I was looking at this file when testing a bit: [c-comment.c.txt](https://github.com/zyedidia/micro/files/14232397/c-comment.c.txt) Thanks a lot for providing the example file. This helps to save time and invest it into fixing...