@CracKCatZ Thanks for explaning. I wanted to test the, but I got an error "ImportError: cannot import name 'imsave'". imsave is from scipy.misc and I found out that stackoverflow...
@CracKCatZ Ok but can you run without problems?
@CracKCatZ Ok I'm sorry I'm an idiot, I fixed it. My problem was that I thought neuralnet would be a regular pypi package and not a special self programmed one....
@CracKCatZ Where exactly will the spectrograms be produced? There is so much code with spectrograms, I don't find the exact one.
@CracKCatZ Which version of ctcdecode do you use? (Mine worked a few days ago, but than it failed) What does the ken_lm file mean? Is this the file which did...
@CracKCatZ Ok got it. Do I have to use the ckpt file for training from a checkpoint (argument for --load_model_from)? And how can I get zip file in the end...
Sorry I don't have discord. Ok thanks. I'm getting the folowing error when I use the argument --load_model_from speechrecognition.ckpt: RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for SpeechModule: Unexpected key(s) in state_dict:...
Ok I fixed the first error. My version of pytorch_lightning was to old. But what does the --resume_from_checkpoint argument mean?
@CracKCatZ Do you know why loss could be "nan"? At the beginning it worked with a real float, but now I only see this string there. I researched this, but...
@CracKCatZ Ouh ok that's interesting thanks. I'm using my CPU.