What exactly can I use for commercial use? I didn't understand that really. Can I use your code for commercial or do I have to look for another Google speech...
Sorry sometimes I'm a little bit slow with understanding. My English isn't so good. So when I understood this right I can't use the java-google-speech-api for commercial use, can I?...
Ok but the library I get to with the link is for commercial use right? Sorry if I'm annoying but thank you for your answers!
A further question: I don't see where your code is giving me an answer from the server. Could you tell me the line where this happens? And could you please...
@NoCodeAvaible How did you fix the error? I fixed the KeyError by changing the sentence to only lowercase letters, but I didn't fix the spectrogram which is too big. So...
@CracKCatZ Can you tell me now? I originally thought I would have fixed it, but it doesn't allow the big letters. (I don't get any error, but it's not liking...
Hey I have a question left: The changing from gpu to cpu has been for wakeword detection and not for whole sentences?
@samano99 I don't know whether you still have this issue, but a possible solution would be here:
@CracKCatZ Thanks for the quick answer. But I also can create a spectogram with a mp3 file. Admitting I only tested it with tensorflow and I know it works there....
@CracKCatZ First of all I don't have so much storage on my computer. But the bigger problem is my GPU, so I have to train with google colab. Wav Files...