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In-sample predictions are not back transformed in ForecasterAutoreg()
The problem
In order to generate in-sample predictions (aka fitted values), you need to create training matrices with .create_train_X_y()
and use it with .predict()
in the internal regressor, as described in the docs. But when any transformation is given to the ForecasterAutoreg()
, it appears that the in-sample predictions are not being reverted to the original scale of the data.
Is it something that I missing or there is a way to revert the transformation?
Reproducible example
# Libraries
# ==============================================================================
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from skforecast.ForecasterAutoreg import ForecasterAutoreg
from skforecast.datasets import fetch_dataset
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer
# Download data
# ==============================================================================
data = fetch_dataset(name = "h2o_exog", raw = False)["y"]
# Split train-test
# ==============================================================================
steps = 36
data_train = data[:-steps]
data_test = data[-steps:]
# Plot
# ==============================================================================
pd.concat([data_train.rename("train"), data_test.rename("test")], axis = "columns").plot()
# Create and fit forecaster without transformer
# ==============================================================================
forecaster_notrans = ForecasterAutoreg(
regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state = 123),
lags = 12
) = data_train)
# Create training matrices
# ==============================================================================
X_train, y_train = forecaster_notrans.create_train_X_y(data_train)
# Predict using the internal regressor
# ==============================================================================
predictions_1 = forecaster_notrans.regressor.predict(X_train)
# Plot predictions
# ==============================================================================
pd.Series(predictions_1, name = "fitted", index = data_train.index[forecaster_notrans.max_lag:]),
], axis = "columns").plot(title = "No transformer");
# Create and fit forecaster with transformer
# ==============================================================================
forecaster_trans = ForecasterAutoreg(
regressor = RandomForestRegressor(random_state = 123),
lags = 12,
transformer_y = PowerTransformer()
) = data_train)
# Create training matrices
# ==============================================================================
X_train, y_train = forecaster_trans.create_train_X_y(data_train)
# Predict using the internal regressor
# ==============================================================================
predictions_1 = forecaster_trans.regressor.predict(X_train)
# Plot predictions
# ==============================================================================
pd.Series(predictions_1, name = "fitted", index = data_train.index[forecaster_trans.max_lag:]),
], axis = "columns").plot(title = "With transformer");
# Out of sample predictions are OK
# ==============================================================================
predictions_3 = forecaster_trans.predict(steps = steps)
# Plot predictions
# ==============================================================================
pd.Series(predictions_1, name = "fitted", index = data_train.index[forecaster_trans.max_lag:]),
], axis = "columns").plot(title = "With transformer");
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