RemoteDebugger copied to clipboard
Debugger mades ESP8266 to reboot
Once I include debugger into my project, the ESP8266 will crash when I try to connect via telnet or websocket. The RemoteDebug library works ok. Telnet and websocket is possible without a crash.
I already analyzed the crash stack without any result showing problems in my code.
- OS: [Windows]
- IDE [VSCode - PlatformIO]
- IDE Version [1.53.2 - 2.6.2]
- Board [ESP8266]
My code:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include "RemoteDebug.h"
#include "RemoteDebugger.h"
RemoteDebug Debug;
void fun() {
void setup() {
Debug.begin((char *)"debugger"); // Initialize the WiFi server
Debug.setResetCmdEnabled(true); // Enable the reset command
Debug.showProfiler(false); // Profiler (Good to measure times, to optimize codes)
Debug.showColors(true); // Colors
Debug.initDebugger(debugGetDebuggerEnabled, debugHandleDebugger, debugGetHelpDebugger, debugProcessCmdDebugger); // Set the callbacks
debugInitDebugger(&Debug); // Init the debugger
debugAddFunctionVoid("fun", &fun);
void loop() {
I hope someone can help me.