@erdemuncuoglu When you do a right click on the TST symbol in the menu bar -> first entry -> design Is the design "photon" chosen? Because switching to the proton...
I am currently testing fastcgi cache and nginx helper and noticed the same issue. Purging Entire Cache does not work for our isolated users. Since we use the /PURGE/ URL,...
That seems to be an old known issue.
I appreciate it as well @gridpane
On it is written: > To activate an environment just call micromamba activate /path/to/env or, when it’s a named environment in your [root prefix](, then you can also use...
You either acttivate your environment with `micromamba activate /path/to/env` where the path to the env normally is `/home//micromamba/envs/`. The variable then has to be set to `$MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX=/home//micromamba/`. Search for environment...
I have the same issue with the Credit Card Payment Option provided by this Module. Prestashop and PHP 7.2 Pay Later might be affected too: As explained in #301...
This problem has consequences with regard to the valid conclusion of a purchase contract in the EU / Germany. Just because a payment is made does not constitute a purchase...
Ick kann dieses Problem in Prestashop und PHP 7.2 bestätigen. Der Button wird nur in der Sandbox angezeigt. I have the same issue. The button is only shown in...
@DeOldSax i also would appreciate it if we could get a working version for Because of the online semsters all our material is available from there