Same in CWA, version 2.0.3. Android 10 with Android security update: November 5st, 2020; Google Play-Systemupdate: March, 1st, 2021. GigaSet GS4, Build: E940-2795-00_10.0_V08_20201123 CWA version: 2.0.3 ENF: 18211213000 NetGuard Pro...
Same in CWA, version 2.1.2.
Same "AHA" mistake in CWA 2.3.2; insteed of "AHA+L+A".
... same in CWA 2.4.2.
... and also in version 2.8.0 - as before - still the same:
... and in CWA 2.10.1.
... and in CWA 2.11.2 - since March or how many 'official' versions?
The same in version 2.12.1 and 2.12.2.
The 7-day incidence / daily new infections increase and it gets cold. This means that people are more likely to be in closed rooms than outside. This means that the...
@dsarkar, @MikeMcC399, thanks for the information and updates. As @MikeMcC399 already wrote, the only thing missing now is the correction under "Terms of Use", at the end of point 4:...