Jonathan Mercier-Ganady
Jonathan Mercier-Ganady
I don't see any easy way. Using Code, you could get the cursor's position, get a list of all the windows and see which one of them is under the...
Hi, could you please post here your script's content? (File->Export->Script content, and then paste it here between two code backticks) That would be a lot easier for me to understand...
Thank you. I have tried under Ubuntu 18.04 with a Firefox Window and the same webpage, but I cannot reproduce this issue here. It is the same algorithm that provides...
Sorry I did not see your edit, I usually read the answers directly on the notification e-mail and it only displays the original text. > But what if i need...
Unfortunately some keys are very difficult to emulate because of the cross-platform nature of Actiona. Each operating system has its own convention and codes. Every layout also. It is a...
Yes, this is something I've had in my wish list for a long time, some sort of execution management tool. This is unfortunately quite complicated to do, especially if you...
Good point! Thanks for the suggestion, and sorry for the lack of answer!
You can use a `Window` action, enter its name in the `Window title` field and select `Set foreground` as an action.
Hi, Try with ``
This as been requested multiple times, actually. It is more complicated than it seems because Actiona is cross-platform, and Windows and Linux distributions have a completely different way of handling...