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A Swift 128-bit Unsigned Integer Data Type conforming to the UnsignedInteger Protocol
A Swift 128-bit Unsigned Integer Data Type conforming to the UnsignedInteger, FixedWidth, BinaryInteger, Hashable, Numeric, Equatable, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible, Comparable and Codable (thanks @adamnemecek) Protocols, as well as extending the BinaryFloatingPoint and String types to support operating with its new type.
This library includes Carthage, CocoaPods and SPM support out of the box. Reference this git repository in a Podfile, Cartfile or Package.swift file in order to easily include this library while also being able to easily track changes.
You can also manually copy over the Sources/UInt128.swift
file into your project
and it should work great. I've purposely kept this library constrained to a
single file in order to support this use case.
Since this library fully implements the UnsignedInteger protocol, you can use
this data type just like any other native UInt data type. For numbers larger
than UIntMax, you'll either want to call the init(upperBits: UInt64, lowerBits: UInt64)
initializer, or, use the init(_ source: String)
initializer to
create an instance with a string. The string can be in binary, octal, decimal
or hexadecimal.
For example:
let uInt128ByString = UInt128("0xffaabbcc00129823fa9a12d4aa87f498")!
let uInt128ByInteger: UInt128 = 1234
This project includes an example Xcode project for building the framework that also includes a playground that can be utilized for testing things out. This Xcode project can build from one target a iphone, iphonesimulator or macos build. It also includes unit testing and code coverage.