Laurine copied to clipboard
Xcode 10.2 error
I get this error when running in Xcode 10.2 - Swift 4.2
0. Program arguments: /Applications/ -frontend -interpret /Users/emil/Virksomheder/Projekter/sense-ios/Sense/Sense/Libraries/LaurineGenerator.swift -enable-objc-interop -sdk /Applications/ -module-name LaurineGenerator -- -i /Users/emil/Virksomheder/Projekter/sense-ios/Sense/Sense/Assets/en.lproj/Localizable.strings -o /Users/emil/Virksomheder/Projekter/sense-ios/Sense/Sense/Helpers/Localizations.swift -c true 0 swift 0x00000001080cfee3 PrintStackTraceSignalHandler(void*) + 51 1 swift 0x00000001080cf6bc SignalHandler(int) + 348 2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff71114b5d _sigtramp + 29 3 libsystem_platform.dylib 000000000000000000 _sigtramp + 2398008512 4 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00007fff70959c09 _swift_updateClassMetadataImpl(swift::TargetClassMetadata<swift::InProcess>*, swift::ClassLayoutFlags, unsigned long, swift::TypeLayout const* const*, unsigned long*, bool) + 265 5 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00007fff70959c4b swift_updateClassMetadata2 + 27 6 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000010b1d14ce swift_updateClassMetadata2 + 2592569502 7 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00007fff70961b77 swift::MetadataCacheEntryBase<(anonymous namespace)::SingletonMetadataCacheEntry, int>::doInitialization(swift::ConcurrencyControl&, swift::MetadataCompletionQueueEntry*, swift::MetadataRequest) + 215 8 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00007fff709573f3 swift_getSingletonMetadata + 579 9 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000010b1b01af swift_getSingletonMetadata + 2592444415 10 libswiftCore.dylib 0x000000010b1b013c swift_getSingletonMetadata + 2592444300 11 swift 0x000000010496719d llvm::MCJIT::runFunction(llvm::Function*, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::GenericValue>) + 365 12 swift 0x000000010496d572 llvm::ExecutionEngine::runFunctionAsMain(llvm::Function*, std::__1::vector<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > > > const&, char const* const*) + 1090 13 swift 0x0000000103f365d1 performCompile(swift::CompilerInstance&, swift::CompilerInvocation&, llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, int&, swift::FrontendObserver*, swift::UnifiedStatsReporter*) + 58913 14 swift 0x0000000103f246de swift::performFrontend(llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, char const*, void*, swift::FrontendObserver*) + 6862 15 swift 0x0000000103ec27be main + 1246 16 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff70f2f3d5 start + 1 /Users/emil/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Sense-amrxbuahpzprwaepprxlnxrnivph/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ line 27: 6297 Segmentation fault: 11 "$LAURINE_PATH" -i "$SOURCE_PATH" -o "$OUTPUT_PATH" -c true Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
Same here.
I've been running the laurine script in swift 5.
Same here after updating the OS.
It's weird because we tried to debug the script by integrating it in a macos command line project and feeding it the parameters directly, and this worked no problem. We tried swift version 4, 4.2 and 5, they all worked.
It fails only as a script in the build phases or from the command line
swift LaurineGenerator.swift -i Localizable.strings -c -o Localizations.swift
(our paths are more complicated than that in reality)
I downloaded Xcode 10.1.
In Xcode changed Command Line Tools to Xcode 10.1.
With that setting I can run
swift LaurineGenerator.swift -i Localizable.strings -c -o Localizations.swift
in Terminal and it creates the Localizations.swift file fine.
I use that as a workaround right now.
Same here :)
Hello, this seems to be because Laurine is being run as a script; if you compile it to an executable in a separate step, then it's fine:
Here's my updated Run Script build phase:
set -x
# Get base path to project
#--------- START OF YOUR CONFIGURATION (change Path_To_.. to fit)
# Get path to Laurine Generator script its the binary
# Get path to main localization file (usually english).
# Get path to output. If you use ObjC version of output, set implementation file (.m), as header will be generated automatically
# Build laurine binary if necessary
if [ ! -f $LAURINE_BIN_PATH ]; then
env -i swiftc -emit-executable -o$LAURINE_BIN_PATH $LAURINE_PATH
# Actually generate output. -- CUSTOMIZE -- parameters to your needs (see documentation).
# Will only re-generate script if something changed
if [ "$OUTPUT_PATH" -ot "$SOURCE_PATH" ]; then
(env -i
forces swiftc
to run without Xcode environment variables - otherwise it tries to build an ARM binary)
cc @emilpedersen @lch88 @daaa57150 @ppth0608
Thanks mflint! It worked. I added mkdir -p $PROJECT_DIR/../Tools/Laurine/bin/
before # Build laurine binary if necessary
to suppress an error about the bin directory not existing...
@emilpedersen @alecmontgomery Can any of you post you full script here please? I can't get it to work. Thanks. Meanwhile I have 10.1 version to run Laurine script only and work with 10.2 because my device is already in that version.
Just to be clear, and based on @mflint and @alecmontgomery comments, here is the complete code:
set -x
# Get base path to project
#--------- START OF YOUR CONFIGURATION (change Path_To_.. to fit)
# Get path to Laurine Generator script its the binary
# Get path to main localization file (usually english).
# Get path to output. If you use ObjC version of output, set implementation file (.m), as header will be generated automatically
# Build laurine binary if necessary
if [ ! -f $LAURINE_BIN_PATH ]; then
env -i swiftc -emit-executable -o$LAURINE_BIN_PATH $LAURINE_PATH
# Actually generate output. -- CUSTOMIZE -- parameters to your needs (see documentation).
# Will only re-generate script if something changed
if [ "$OUTPUT_PATH" -ot "$SOURCE_PATH" ]; then
Just make sure the paths are ok. In my case, I have the app inside the "App" folder and so the paths have that. The mkdir
command uses the variable $LAURINE_BIN_PATH
created above.
I hope its clear for everyone.
In my case I got the script running but, the camel casing is broken. the key SomeTestViewController. is generated as Sometestviewcontroller
edit: just remove -c flag and it will be fine
I try to build Laurine in build phrase as above and I have these errors. ` Showing Recent Messages :-1: + env -i swiftc -emit-executable -o /Users/wikiwiktor/Documents/WorkSpace/iOS/ig-ios/InfoGym/../bin/laurine /Users/wikiwiktor/Documents/WorkSpace/iOS/ig-ios/Libraries/Laurine/LaurineGenerator.swift
/Applications/ while building module 'Darwin' imported from /Applications/
:-1: #include <sys/types.h>
:-1: ^
:-1: #import "string.h"
:-1: ^
/Applications/ in file included from /Applications/
:-1: #include "strings.h"
:-1: ^
/Applications/ in file included from /Applications/
:-1: #include <string.h>
:-1: ^
/usr/local/include/string.h:25: in file included from /usr/local/include/string.h:25:
:-1: #include <plist/Node.h>
:-1: ^
/usr/local/include/plist/Node.h:26: 'cstddef' file not found
:-1: #include
:-1: ^
:-1: #import "Headers/CoreFoundation.h"
:-1: ^
/Applications/ could not build module 'Darwin'
:-1: #include <sys/types.h>
:-1: ^
/Applications/ while building module 'Dispatch' imported from /Applications/
:-1: #include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
:-1: ^
:-1: #import "dispatch.h"
:-1: ^
/Applications/ could not build module 'Darwin'
:-1: #include <Availability.h>
:-1: ^
/Applications/ while building module 'Dispatch' imported from /Applications/
:-1: #include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
:-1: ^
/Applications/ while building module 'os_object' imported from /Applications/
:-1: #include <os/object.h>
:-1: ^
:-1: #import "os/object.h"
:-1: ^
/Applications/ could not build module 'Darwin'
:-1: #include <Availability.h>
:-1: ^
I use xcode Version 10.2.1
@PiotrWitczak Did you able to make it work?
Hi Guys,
I'm still having such a problem with the script. Using the script you published here the code runs but doesn't modify or add the string. It's not working properly and I don't know why.. I'm still getting the
Segmentation fault 11 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code I would appreciate if someone could help me.
I've got Xcode 10.1.3 Thank you very much!
@felipenandz Can you post your script please?
@mflint Sure ,
I dowloaded the project Laurine from the Repo and as expected their code is not working in Xcode 10.1.3 giving the same Problem. So I put your script there.
It's giving this error
set -x
Get base path to project
--------- START OF YOUR CONFIGURATION (change Path_To_.. to fit)
Get path to Laurine Generator script its the binary LAURINE_PATH="$BASE_PATH/../../LaurineGenerator.swift" LAURINE_BIN_PATH="$BASE_PATH/../bin/laurine"
Get path to main localization file (usually english). SOURCE_PATH="$BASE_PATH/Resources/Localizations/en.lproj/Localizable.strings"
Get path to output. If you use ObjC version of output, set implementation file (.m), as header will be generated automatically OUTPUT_PATH="$BASE_PATH/Classes/Generated/Localizations.swift"
Build laurine binary if necessary if [ ! -f $LAURINE_BIN_PATH ]; then env -i swiftc -emit-executable -o$LAURINE_BIN_PATH $LAURINE_PATH fi
Actually generate output. -- CUSTOMIZE -- parameters to your needs (see documentation). Will only re-generate script if something changed if [ "$OUTPUT_PATH" -ot "$SOURCE_PATH" ]; then "$LAURINE_BIN_PATH" -i "$SOURCE_PATH" -c -o "$OUTPUT_PATH" fi
Right Now is giving this error
:-1: ld: can't open output file for writing: /Users/fnandz/Downloads/Laurine-master/Example/Laurine/../bin/laurine, errno=21 for architecture x86_64
:-1: /Users/fnandz/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Laurine-cqayukqhekxkitbikrlrwttefoxo/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ line 32: /Users/fnandz/Downloads/Laurine-master/Example/Laurine/../bin/laurine: is a directory
Your problem is that mkdir -p $LAURINE_BIN_PATH
is making a directory with the name bin/laurine/
, when it should just be making the directory bin/
I'd change the script like this:
... and further down:
mkdir -p $BIN_PATH
Then the script will make bin/
directory, then compile the laurine binary into bin/laurine
(You'll also need to manually delete the directory bin/laurine/
, before building for the first time)
All the best to you , your family and your generations!
It works.. Thank you very much!
Hey guys - Very long time no see. I have been helming my startup, and it has been absolutely crazy - though it is something you might be interested in. That being said, I have definitely didn't stop to observe this project and I have recently started fixing the issues and improving laurine in general. I expect that I could have the fixed version done and released within few days, so don't lose hope - I'll do my best to catch up.
Hope it helps some of you! :)
Do you have any idea why it is executed like this and not the old way as it was working in xcode 10.1.1
Just to know , because I need to explain it. But if you don't it Ok anyway , it's all working good.
Do you have any idea why it is executed like this and not the old way as it was working in xcode 10.1.1
I don't know. I guess something has changed with the Swift interpreter, which means it cannot successfully parse/execute the Laurine script. But luckily it is able to compile the script into a binary, which we can then execute. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If you're looking for generating assets and others among localizables, consider moving to SwiftGen which is still maintained and under active development.