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How to turn it into a Rage bot?
@Jire , When I put smoothing to 40f , it starts spinning and doesn't even kill a single enemy ? I have enabled , FOV Aim and ESP..
Set smoothing to 40F
, lock FOV to 360
, and unlock FOV to 360
how i do this?
i put 40f and i dont spin
I was able to do an autolock aimbot by combining BoneTrigger and I made a copy of the FOVAimPlugin with some changes.
For bone trigger make sure only head is targeted and also add in !weapon.automatic in: if (!weapon.pistol && !weapon.shotgun && !weapon.automatic && Weapons.SSG08 != weapon) return (so the trigger bot will automatically shoot heads when using AKs, M4s, etc.
Then for the changes to the FOV plugin setting smoothing to 40F, lock FOV to 360, and unlock FOV to 360. Aswell as changing the FORCE_AIM_KEY to 18 (left Alt key).
With these two simply enable trigger and fov and hold down Alt when any enemies are near and they should be automatically killed. If you don't hold alt or use bone trigger it also works to just shoot around the enemy and they get one tapped.
@cra88y Where do I add that code? in which line?
!weapon.automatic in: if (!weapon.pistol && !weapon.shotgun && !weapon.automatic && Weapons.SSG08 != weapon) return
And do I need to add space before the code? how many spaces are required? And add this code in the FOVAimPlugin or BoneTrigger plugin?
And is there a way to make automatic bot which walks around and kills people. I want to turn on my pc at night and let the bot play as me until morning I will rank up a lot (not competitive rank) so would be so awesome!
@cra88y Which file should I add that code and in which line?
Its on line 22 of BoneTriggerPlugin.kt and replace the line entirely with if (!weapon.pistol && !weapon.shotgun && !weapon.automatic && Weapons.SSG08 != weapon) return
As for running around killing people AFK, I really have no idea, I know coding, but I'm pretty new to developing hacks for games.
This method seems to autoplay human reaction most of the time but still requires semi looking in their general direction and it also seems to be slightly slower than a legit "aimbot" I'd love to know a more effective way of doing this that would have no latency while jumping to their head after they peek corners...
Thanks a lot @cra88y for clarifying this. at first I was a bit confused where to edit the code. just needed to add automatic weapons (!weapon.automatic) in BoneTriggerPlugin.kt plugin. Thanks!
The AFK auto aim bot idea seems really cool! would be great idea as It can run 24/7 and rank up my level and XP in casual and deathmatch games. I will look forward to see AFK Aimbot and future improvements in the cheat.
what exactly is force aim? and does anyone know how to turn the aimbot to only headshots? i dont understand how people are changing the bone value
in the list of target bones, its instanced below fov and smoothing
I changed it to 40 and fov to 360 but it just spins and looks at the floor. Please check pastebin and let me know whats wrong. Thanks!