mark2slides copied to clipboard
A markdown-to-slides generator.
This repo is not under maintenance anymore. You can refer to a similar project called Slidev.
A tool to generate slides from markdown file(s).
Install: yarn global add mark2slides
or npm install mark2slides --global
Hello, I'm a markdown-to-slides generator.
Usage: m2s <command> [options]
-i, --input input directory or markdown file, "." by default
-o, --output output directory, "dist" by default
-b, --base base path of the generated code, "/" by default
-t, --theme path of a a CSS file applied to all slides
-c, --config config file, ".mdrc" by default
build [options] generate all markdown into slides
clean clean all temp files manually
Config File:
A JSON file which supports all options except "--config".
And additionally it has two optional fields: "ignore" and "static".
Both of them are array of string, which would be used to match all
first-level sub directories in the target directory.
But please notice the priority of command arguments are higher than
this config file. That means you can use command arguments to
overwrite this config file after the file is written down.
For example:
"input": ".",
"output": "dist",
"base": "/",
"theme": "theme.css",
"ignore": ["dist", "theme.css"],
"static": ["assets", "images"]