I don't think that's a valid answer as @lucabol specifically asked for "where each Trade contains refs to the memory (aka nothing more is heap-allocated).", that's basically still zero-copy, using...
I did a quick test, it practically makes no difference, the test results are basically the same (with marginal differences), roughly 40Mb/s at 100% CPU(crappy vps), with -ps 0 or...
I’m using none in both tests.
I later realized udp2raw supports multiple clients so this is a big change and probably not intended use case, so I'll close this.
I'm not the developer but I'm a bit curious about this to so I did some test myself ``` # time fping -c 1000 -t 100 -i 1 -p 1...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression https://regex101.com/
> Uhm, I know this is not the place to ask for assistance, but: is there a way to check if a regexp is doing what I intended? https://regex101.com/
Yes, exactly
yeah like I said in the original post, not that big of a deal, but all of a sudden HBL stopped working :( loadiine.ovh still works, both HBL and loadiine....
so... just not use the update?