python-shopee copied to clipboard
Information that can be edited in individual items
Please let me know if I'm super new to this. I am going to use pyshopee to modify my item information. Can I update the following information?
Condition of the item: new or used Brand name: ex)No Brand Remove from the list when stock is gone.
I'm new to python itself and I don't know how to write code, so it would be great if you could post some examples. Thanks.
import pyshopee
'''For updating an old product
client = pyshopee.Client( shopid=your_shopid, partnerid=your_partnerid, API_key=your_key )
# Use this call to get detail of item
item_detail = client.item.get_item_detail(item_id=your_item_id)
# Use this call to update a product item.
# update_data would be the attribute you want to modify like category_id, name, description ...
# you can find it in
update_data = {
"item_id": item_id,
"category_id": category_id,
"name": item_name,
"description": description,
"price": item_price,
"stock": 1, ...
response = client.item.update_item(update_data=update_data)
import pyshopee
'''For creating a new product
client = pyshopee.Client( shopid=your_shopid, partnerid=your_partnerid, API_key=your_key )
# Use this call to create a new product
# The detail of product_data could be found in
product_data = {
"item_id": item_id,
"category_id": category_id,
"name": item_name,
"description": description,
"price": item_price,
"stock": 1, ...
response = client.item.add(product_data=product_data)
@himacri I hope this would be helpful for you.
Thank you for the kind explanation. The examples are very clear.
Hi. I tried to update the information using the examples you gave me, but it doesn't work. Please tell me what's wrong with this code.
import pyshopee item_detail = client.item.get_item_detail(item_id=5151063853) print(item_detail) response = client.item.update_item(item_id=5151063853,name='tanuki', description="test_play", condition='used') print(response)
@himacri you must create client before you used it please take a look this
client = pyshopee.Client( shopid=your_shopid, partnerid=your_partnerid, API_key=your_key )
and before you can used get item detail. you must registered your shop into the shopee API first.
client is done before this code and before you can use item detail.
@himacri read the shopee open document first before you try to use this api. it will make easier for you to understand.
authorize_url ="") print(authorize_url)
run this code to register your shop to your shopee api account. after that you will can used
client = pyshopee.Client( shopid=your_shopid, partnerid=your_partnerid, API_key=your_key )
Authentication is already successful, for example, deleting an item is successful. paste below the error that appears after I run it.
{'item': {'logistics': [{'logistic_name': 'Japan Post', 'enabled': True, 'logistic_id': 18041, 'is_free': False}], 'original_price': 62.93, 'package_width': 0.0, 'cmt_count': 0, 'weight': 1.5, 'shopid': 303776630, 'currency': 'SGD', 'create_time': 1599292355, 'likes': 0, 'images': ['', '', '', '', ''], 'tenures': [], 'is_2tier_item': False, 'days_to_ship': 2, 'package_length': 0.0, 'reserved_stock': 0, 'stock': 1, 'status': 'NORMAL', 'update_time': 1599840394, 'description': 'Although it is not taken out from the box, it is dirty and damaged.\nThank you for your understanding.\n\nIt will be shipped in recycled cardboard.\n\nNo roses. Available for immediate purchase.\n\n#Rei Ayanami\n#Makinami Mari Illustrious\n#Evangelion\n#EVANGELION\n#1 lottery', 'views': 4, 'price': 62.93, 'sales': 0, 'discount_id': 0, 'item_id': 5151063853, 'wholesales': [], 'condition': 'NEW', 'package_height': 0.0, 'name': 'Eva figure Mari Ray Evangelion', 'rating_star': 0.0, 'item_sku': 'm41832613578', 'variations': [], 'size_chart': '', 'is_pre_order': False, 'has_variation': False, 'attributes': [{'attribute_name': 'Brand', 'is_mandatory': True, 'attribute_id': 21748, 'attribute_value': 'No Brand', 'attribute_type': 'STRING_TYPE'}], 'category_id': 20452}, 'warning': '', 'request_id': '32b39eaa40c650df985708c911ced9ea'}
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: update_item() got an unexpected keyword argument 'item_id'
@himacri I think you should put all of the params you got from function "get_item_detail" into your function "update_item"
For pyshopee, we need to build a param named "update_data"
def update_item(self, update_data):
Use this call to update a product item.
Should get dependency by calling below API first
:param update_data:
return self.client.execute("item/update", "POST", update_data)
Hence, we need to build the "update_data" first.
# Example
shopid = 1234567
partner_id = 9876543221
secret_key = "12dqwert346788234ee567300456dfgh34sdfgb8e523123052a123fb6176c567"
shopee = pyshopee.Client(shop_id=shopid, partner_id=partner_id, secret_key=secret_key)
# some functions to build the body
def _cleaning_hashtag(description, **params):
hashtag_pattern = re.compile(r"#(.*)[\s]{0,1}", flags=re.UNICODE)
cleaned_description = hashtag_pattern.sub(r' ', description)
return cleaned_description
def _builder_weight(item_weight, default_weight=0.1, **params):
''' the net weight of this item, the unit is KG.
: type: float
: require: yes
weight = item_weight/100000 if item_weight else default_weight
return float(weight)
def _builder_logistics(**params):
logistics = list()
resp = shopee.logistic.get_logistics()
logistics_resp = resp.get("logistics")
for logis in logistics_resp:
if logis.get('enabled'):
if logis.get('fee_type') == 'SIZE_SELECTION':
logis['sizes'] = logis['sizes'][0]['size_id']
return logistics
def main():
update_data = {
"category_id": category_id,
"name": item_name.strip(),
"description": description,
"price": item_price,
"stock": 1,
"weight": _builder_weight(item_weight=item_weight, default_weight=0.1),
# "variations": variations,
"images": [
"url": ""
"url": ''
"url": ''
"url": ''
"attributes": [{'attributes_id': 1365, 'value': 'Napla'}]
"logistics": _builder_logistics(),
# "package_length": 200,
# "package_width": 200,
# "package_height": 200,
# "days_to_ship": 10,
# "wholesales": wholesales
response = shopee.item.add(update_data = update_data)
import pyshopee '''For updating an old product ''' client = pyshopee.Client( shopid=your_shopid, partnerid=your_partnerid, API_key=your_key ) # Use this call to get detail of item item_detail = client.item.get_item_detail(item_id=your_item_id) # Use this call to update a product item. # update_data would be the attribute you want to modify like category_id, name, description ... # you can find it in update_data = { "item_id": item_id, "category_id": category_id, "name": item_name, "description": description, "price": item_price, "stock": 1, ... } response = client.item.update_item(update_data=update_data) print(response)
import pyshopee '''For creating a new product ''' client = pyshopee.Client( shopid=your_shopid, partnerid=your_partnerid, API_key=your_key ) # Use this call to create a new product # The detail of product_data could be found in product_data = { "item_id": item_id, "category_id": category_id, "name": item_name, "description": description, "price": item_price, "stock": 1, ... } response = client.item.add(product_data=product_data) print(response)
@tjengbudi @himacri The origin examples have some error in it accidentally, however, I have corrected that. Please have a look.
Thank you for your reply. I will try it.
Hi. I used the code you gave me to update the product information. Thank you so much.
Hi. I used the code you gave me to creating the new product information. Thank you so much.