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Weather graphics
Data around offset 0x28000 (in Overlay 5) are the data (aligned in words) for the weather graphics. It's a list of number that ends with 3C 00 00 00 (0x3C = the last palette ID in the weather narc). I'm researching the weather system for HeartGold and I'm using Platinum to guide me a bit.
BTW, I'm the creator of Pokémon Light Platinum for NDS. I'm discovering things continually (in HGSS, but also cross-generational or for Gen IV), so if you want, I can participate adding data.
You seem to be right that these are file ids from WeatherSys.narc. I tried to label every LoadFromNARC-function together with the ids for the narc-files and the values are used by one of those. So if you wanna know where a narc file is used and loaded from then you can look for labels like "WeatherSys_Narc".
I'm not really active in this project with research and labelling but if you have some data than I will thank you for that and will see what I can make out of this. But will be slow progress from my side most likely.