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A couple of questions...
I would love to help out with this disassembly and furthering Gen IV research in general. However, I am unfamiliar with the setup required for working with ASM. I do have several years of programming experience, but I'm finding it difficult to locate guides that walk me through the actual setup, IDA, disassemble, reassemble, et cetera. If you would be willing to walk me through the setup process, I am a quick learner, and I have several hours every morning to do research.
I have spent the last month or two laboriously documenting specifications of various files the DS games use—mostly HG/SS, but Platinum's files have been super helpful—and I've hit a dead end on some of the files. The only way I'd be able to move further would be spontaneous epiphany or digging into the games disassembly.
Thank you for your work on this disassembly and any help you can offer me.
For the most direct help it would be helpful for you to join the IRC-channel #pret that's mentioned at the end of the 'README.md'. Most of my problems are getting solved there.
The next step would be to get the setup running. Since nobody other than me has worked on this project until now that part is still not guaranteed to work on other peoples computers. The steps for this are described in 'INSTALL.md'. I'm using DevKitARM as the compiler so that should be easy to install. The harder part is to get a Terminal and Python 2.7. I'm using the same setup here that PokeCrystal is using, so you should look into that 'INSTALL.md' for this.
The disassembling of the code is already done. At the moment I'm extracting data and relabel some absolute addresses that my disassembler didn't get.
Most of my work I'm doing with a good text editor like Notepad++, a terminal window with some python scripts and a NDS emulator to look into the debugger while running the game.
If you wanna find out some file formats then I think it's the best to look at some functions and try to understand what it does. Like finding the function that loads the TrainerData for NPCs and their Pokemon. That's how I figured out the format of the data. But I didn't find out what every single variable does.