Jihed Chouaref
Jihed Chouaref
The issue is still the same: `mm10.customblacklist.bed` ``` Error in rule setup_blacklist: jobid: 0 output: /exports/humgen/jihed/seq2science/genomes/mm10/mm10.customblacklist.bed RuleException: FileNotFoundError in line 38 of /exports/humgen/jihed/miniconda3/envs/seq2science/lib/python3.8/site-packages/seq2science/rules/bam_cleaning.smk: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:...
Thank you so much for these files! I have added them to my `genomes/mm10 folder`. Unfortunately it still does not work. Here are the log and the slurmoutput: [seq2science.2021-04-21T100027.917233.log](https://github.com/vanheeringen-lab/seq2science/files/6349154/seq2science.2021-04-21T100027.917233.log) [slurm-2426180.txt](https://github.com/vanheeringen-lab/seq2science/files/6349155/slurm-2426180.txt)...
No worries @Maarten-vd-Sande I will try that @siebrenf
Hello, Was this update released? I have the same problem.
I am having the same issue
Hi Kieran! Thanks for your reply! No I didn't manage to load the singlecellexperiment I created via Seurat. I tried to work around it by importing a matrix from my...
ok thanks! I have also tried to run your example with Singlecellexperiment: ``` library(ouija) data(synth_gex) single_cell_set
Yep I'll have a look
> Ok that error should now be fixed in [c77e652](https://github.com/kieranrcampbell/ouija/commit/c77e652b625cc4f385fc866c01b93cd9a8a4ca65) -- can you reinstall from github and try again? Thanks Nope I still get the same error message and the...
This is what I've got. Sorry it's in French, it means that the argument is not a matrix :( ``` > data(example_gex) > single_cell_set ouija(single_cell_set) Error in t.default(x@assays[[single_cell_experiment_assay]]) : l'argument...