
Results 47 comments of Anton

If I change it to ```css QGroupBox { font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #455364; border-radius: 4px; padding: 2px; margin-top: 14px; margin-bottom: 4px; } QGroupBox::title { subcontrol-origin: margin; subcontrol-position: top...

Look at font. Windows by default uses one font, Linux uses another, so these numbers cannot work ok on both platforms. I tried to explicitly specify font and then played...

Is there any chance for merge to upstream?

@ghaerr is there any chances for this issue? I think it's reasonable to separate src, doc (pdf doc) and web as 3 independent repos.

> Hello @Jihadist, the purpose of this repository is to keep an unchanged copy of what Maxim's repo on sourceforge looked like, so splitting out src, doc or pdf to...

Look at and Maybe it looks like a bit... old but it works

It's not my website :) and i don't want that it will be mine. So as I mentioned before the main goal of this is to separate src, doc and...

Hello, i have some troubles with cmake + ninja + msvc 2019x64 But on ubuntu 21.04 with cmake + Unix Makefiles + gcc everything ok ``` [1/36 3.1/sec] Automatic MOC...

Здравствуйте. вряд ли вам помогут на гитхабе, если писать на русском. Смотрите но для cmake в мастере сломано всё.