outline-apps copied to clipboard
windows 10: error: error invoking remote method 'outline-ipc-start-proxying': error: unknown nativeerror error
Understand that this is supposed to be patched, but I am still getting the error :(
I shld have the newest client
Hi @SimonZhuangXH , thanks for reporting the issue. Could you please gather more logs for us to investigate? To collect the logs, you can run Outline.exe
in PowerShell (assuming you installed Outline.exe
in the system folder):
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\Outline.exe'
And then try to connect to your server, the logs will printed out to PowerShell.
I reinstalled my outline a few days back and it has been working since. I cant replicate the original problem that I had but I tried running the debug log regardless
PS C:\Users\szxh0\Downloads> $env:OUTLINE_DEBUG="true"
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\Outline.exe' PS C:\Users\szxh0\Downloads> Sentry Logger [log]: Starting Electron crashReporter Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: SentryMinidump Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ElectronBreadcrumbs Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Net Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ChildProcess Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUncaughtException Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: PreloadInjection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: AdditionalContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Screenshots Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: InboundFilters Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: FunctionToString Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Console Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Http Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUnhandledRejection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ContextLines Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LocalVariables Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Modules Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RequestData Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LinkedErrors Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainProcessSession another instance is running - exiting Sentry Logger [log]: [MainProcessSession] Exit Handler Sentry Logger [log]: Ending session Sentry Logger [log]: The preload script could not be injected automatically. This is most likely caused by bundling of the main process Outline is starting loading web app from file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Outline/resources/app.asar/www/index_electron.html?debug=true&appName=Outline Sentry Logger [log]: Deleted Crashpad metadata file C:\Users\szxh0\AppData\Roaming\Outline\Crashpad\metadata Could not load active tunnel: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\szxh0\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'open', path: 'C:\Users\szxh0\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store' } [28000:1215/120520.577:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(20)] Unable to move the cache: Access is denied. (0x5) [28000:1215/120520.577:ERROR:cache_util.cc(145)] Unable to move cache folder C:\Users\szxh0\AppData\Roaming\Outline\GPUCache to C:\Users\szxh0\AppData\Roaming\Outline\old_GPUCache_000 [28000:1215/120520.577:ERROR:disk_cache.cc(196)] Unable to create cache [28000:1215/120520.577:ERROR:shader_disk_cache.cc(613)] Shader Cache Creation failed: -2 Sentry Logger [log]: Found 0 minidumps Sentry Logger [log]: Found previous abnormal session [14204:1215/120520.593:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(20)] Unable to move the cache: Access is denied. (0x5) [14204:1215/120520.593:ERROR:cache_util.cc(145)] Unable to move cache folder C:\Users\szxh0\AppData\Roaming\Outline\Cache\Cache_Data to C:\Users\szxh0\AppData\Roaming\Outline\Cache\old_Cache_Data_000 [14204:1215/120520.593:ERROR:disk_cache.cc(196)] Unable to create cache Sentry Logger [log]: Successfully sent Sentry Logger [log]: Successfully sent
from here bottom of thread (https://github.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-server/issues/1431#issuecomment-1854231982), there are at least 2 other people who are currently facing the same problem. Perhaps you can try asking them to log for you!
running as an administrator helped me in windows, but I have the same problem in linux
I ran outline in debug, here are the logs. A complete reinstallation did not help, including deleting appdata. Installing the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\tap-windows6 also did not correct the situation. Also in network connections I don't have any other connections other than my main one.
Sentry Logger [log]: Starting Electron crashReporter Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: SentryMinidump Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ElectronBreadcrumbs Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Net Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ChildProcess Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUncaughtException Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: PreloadInjection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: AdditionalContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Screenshots Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RendererProfiling Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: InboundFilters Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: FunctionToString Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LinkedErrors Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Console Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Http Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Undici Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUnhandledRejection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ContextLines Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LocalVariablesSync Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Modules Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RequestData Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainProcessSession Sentry Logger [log]: The preload script could not be injected automatically. This is most likely caused by bundling of the main process Outline is starting loading web app from file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Outline/resources/app.asar/www/index_electron.html?debug=true&appName=Outline Could not load active tunnel: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\Данил\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'open', path: 'C:\Users\Данил\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store' } Sentry Logger [log]: Deleted Crashpad metadata file C:\Users\Данил\AppData\Roaming\Outline\Crashpad\metadata connecting to 85b6f61d-368a-4b4a-ae79-8b1f25a642bc... using tun2socks to check connectivity [EXIT - tun2socks.exe]: Exited with code 0 UDP support: true starting routing daemon could not connect: Error (could not start smartdnsblock: smartdnsblock failed (stdout: fetch network device list success!, (stderr: could not find outline-tap0) (network config: Ethernet (Up): 1 x ipv4 gateways, ipv6 disabled, Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1 (Up): 0 x ipv4 gateways, 0 x ipv6 gateways)) Error occurred in handler for 'outline-ipc-start-proxying': Error: unknown NativeError Error at t.toErrorCode (C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\resources\app.asar\build\electron\electron\index.js:2:687285) at C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\resources\app.asar\build\electron\electron\index.js:2:673658 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async node:electron/js2c/browser_init:189:563 [EXIT - tun2socks.exe]: Killed by signal SIGTERM tun2socks terminated due to Error: Process terminated by signal: SIGTERM could not stop routing: Write failed disconnected from
I ran outline in debug, here are the logs. A complete reinstallation did not help, including deleting appdata. Installing the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\tap-windows6 also did not correct the situation. Also in network connections I don't have any other connections other than my main one.
Sentry Logger [log]: Starting Electron crashReporter Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: SentryMinidump Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ElectronBreadcrumbs Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Net Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ChildProcess Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUncaughtException Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: PreloadInjection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: AdditionalContext Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Screenshots Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RendererProfiling Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: InboundFilters Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: FunctionToString Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LinkedErrors Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Console Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Http Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Undici Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUnhandledRejection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ContextLines Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LocalVariablesSync Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Modules Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RequestData Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: MainProcessSession Sentry Logger [log]: The preload script could not be injected automatically. This is most likely caused by bundling of the main process Outline is starting loading web app from file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Outline/resources/app.asar/www/index_electron.html?debug=true&appName=Outline Could not load active tunnel: [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\Данил\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'open', path: 'C:\Users\Данил\AppData\Roaming\Outline\connection_store' } Sentry Logger [log]: Deleted Crashpad metadata file C:\Users\Данил\AppData\Roaming\Outline\Crashpad\metadata connecting to 85b6f61d-368a-4b4a-ae79-8b1f25a642bc... using tun2socks to check connectivity [EXIT - tun2socks.exe]: Exited with code 0 UDP support: true starting routing daemon could not connect: Error (could not start smartdnsblock: smartdnsblock failed (stdout: fetch network device list success!, (stderr: could not find outline-tap0) (network config: Ethernet (Up): 1 x ipv4 gateways, ipv6 disabled, Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1 (Up): 0 x ipv4 gateways, 0 x ipv6 gateways)) Error occurred in handler for 'outline-ipc-start-proxying': Error: unknown NativeError Error at t.toErrorCode (C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\resources\app.asar\build\electron\electron\index.js:2:687285) at C:\Program Files (x86)\Outline\resources\app.asar\build\electron\electron\index.js:2:673658 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async node:electron/js2c/browser_init:189:563 [EXIT - tun2socks.exe]: Killed by signal SIGTERM tun2socks terminated due to Error: Process terminated by signal: SIGTERM could not stop routing: Write failed disconnected from
You need to automatically update the driver for unknown devices (most likely these are duplicates after several installations of outline) and then go to the network connection pages where all connections are shown, change its name to outline-tap0 if it is not specified independently after updating the drivers.