LockstepEngine_ARPGDemo copied to clipboard
A lockstep ARPG demo for LockstepEngine
LockstepEngine ARPG demo
- ECS prototype UnityLockstep:https://github.com/proepkes/UnityLockstep
- Network library: LiteNetLib: https://github.com/RevenantX/LiteNetLib (v0.8.3 .NetCore)
- ECS Framework Entitas: https://github.com/sschmid/Entitas-CSharp (v1.13.0)
- Deterministic Math library : https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepMath
- Deterministic Collision library: https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepCollision
- Deterministic NavMesh library: https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepPathFinding
- Fast and Memory friendly BehaviourTree library: https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepBehaviorTree
- CodeGenerator ME : https://github.com/JiepengTan/ME
- new NetworkLib is Comefrom ET 3.0 https://github.com/egametang/ET
- Libs all_in_one https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepEngine
How to run it
1. download Demo [https://github.com/JiepengTan/LockstepEngine_ARPGDemo/releases/tag/v0.1.0][13]
2. Open Server.sln
3. Build and Run project "SimpleServer"
4. Open Unity in dir ./Unity
5. Build a unity package and run it
6. Run Unity editor
Setup Video link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av64460304/
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