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I want to contribute
Hey There, Recently i started open source contribution. This project looks interesting to me; not sure where to start can someone help?
Hello buddy! It's fantastic that you're considering starting your journey in open source contribution. I totally get where you're coming from since I'm a beginner too. Open source contribution is like stepping into a vast library of knowledge where you not only get to read but also contribute to the existing works. It's like entering a collaborative space where people from around the world come together to build and improve software.
From my experience, open-source contribution involves diving into someone else's code, understanding it, and then making valuable contributions. These contributions can range from fixing bugs and improving documentation or requesting new features. It's not always about making significant changes; even small tweaks can make a big impact. The key is to learn and grow together with the community.
And I personally feel that its better to have some basic Understanding of how Git and GIt Hub works . Dont worry I would provide u some helpful links
As a beginner, I found it immensely helpful blogs and YouTube tutorials
Open Source Contribution Blog :- Blog Post Git HUb Blog :- Blog Post
### TUTORIALS Open Source Contribution :- Youtube ... :) Learn Git And Github :- youtube
I Think This Will Help U A lot @ishanvaghani . By the way "HAPPY NEW YEAR"
refer to https://github.com/LIZA1608/FlutterEbookApp/blob/patch-1/opensouce/file.txt
Can you please check the links that you have provided, It's heading some where else!
Mantano Iridium has been discontinued for a long time, and flutter web performance is too slow. I don't think we can implement a good epub reader using only flutter now. Could you switch the reader plugin to native readium android and ios, like the old reader plugin using folioreader?