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A New Tool for Reading JavaScript Code since 2017
lambda-view: A New Tool for Reading JavaScript Code since 2017
lambda-view provides you a better way to READ JavaScript source code.
What's the difference?
lambda-view is not something like sublime text/atom or what else editor that you have ever seen before:
- It is not a text editor, but a reader (for JavaScript)
- It understands the grammar of JavaScript, operating on the AST level, not just a simple token level highlighter
- It transforms and reproduces the source code as needed
- It is highly optimized for reading, which brings some special layouts and design
- You can read on ipad (a comfortable way), not only computer
Read any JavaScript file you'd like to!
You are not limited to the demos! Just install lambda-view then read any JavaScript file you'd like to!
Get started in 2 steps
STEP-1 install it via npm (sudo required maybe):
npm install -g lambda-view
STEP-2 use lv command to open any JavaScript file:
lv target.js
Then (if everything is ok), your web browser will be opened automatically and shows you the result. Pretty easy, right?
Talk to me
I created a gitter chat room here:
Helpful tips
Can I open remote file by URL?
Yes, lv command accepts URL:
Can I open multiple files in one command?
Yes, you can provide multiple filenames to lv command:
lv file1.js file2.js file3.js
Further more, you can use the wildcard (For Linux/Mac only, Not Windows):
lv *.js
Can I use lambda-view on my iphone/ipad?
This is an experimental feature.
lambda-view embeded a small web server which accepts local access only by default. However you can reconfigure it to accept public access. This makes your computer become a web server that can be accessed by your iphone/ipad.
You can achieve it in 3 steps.
STEP-1 stop current lambda-view web server:
lv-svr stop
STEP-2 start lambda-view web server with public mode:
lv-svr start --public --background
STEP-3 open any JavaScript file you want to read on your iphone/ipad:
lv some-file.js
Now, the web browser will be opened, and you can copy it's URL to your iphone/ipad's safari. Then you can read it. (Your iphone/ipad )
Please make sure:
- Your computer and your iphone/ipad must connected to the same LAN
- If there is any firewall enabled on your computer, please configure it to allow public access on TCP port 23400
Future plans
This is just a begining. I'll add more features soon.