
Results 49 comments of Jiangyafeng

Hi @yeqinggui,你可以先将 idf 环境搭建好,然后能够运行,因为 MDF 也是依托于idf环境的。你可以参看连接:https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp-idf-extension 需要在 vscode 配置设置中将 idf.espMdfPath 或 idf.espMdfPathWin(Windows中)设置为esp-mdf目录路径 有一个扩展命令可以克隆 ESP-MDF 并自动设置此设置,称为 ESP-IDF:install ESP-MDF 具体定义的连接:https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp-idf-extension/blob/master/docs/SETTINGS.md#other-frameworks-specific-settings

@ThatBigPrint You can see the ledc demo link: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/master/examples/peripherals/ledc/ledc_fade This will fulfill your needs. I'm not sure this will satisfy your requirements.

Hi All, Sorry, due to the internal staff transfer, the maintenance of this mdf warehouse has been delayed, and maintenance and updates will still be carried out in the future....

Hi @vitorrussi Sorry that I can not finish the test in time due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak and now I am in home quarantine. As soon as work officially...

@luotianzhu123 这是因为 idf 库下的 coap 发生了变化导致的 详细的请查看 componets 链接:https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/release/v4.4/components/coap/port/include/coap3 看一下这个路径,你可以将其 coap/aliyun_coap.c下的改为: #include "coap3/coap.h" 看是否可以?

@heise007 这个看着是你的芯片或者硬件设计有什么问题吧?请检查是否有占用SPI的那几个引脚,导致没有办法识别和下载?

@tsk15535904190 在 esp-now 的应用库里面已经支持广播模式,你可以参看连接:https://github.com/espressif/esp-now, 关于广播模式你可以查看 espnow.c 驱动实现,连接:https://github.com/espressif/esp-now/blob/master/components/espnow/src/espnow.c#L120

@tsk15535904190 首先esp-now是私有协议,详细的你可以查看链接:https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/network/esp_now.html,这里是有相关的说明的。 ESP 模组都是支持 wifi 和 now 的共存,可以将其接收到 now 的数据,通过wifi转发出去给路由器,路由在转发到外网的机制。 更多相关的 now 开发问题,可以通过 https://github.com/espressif/esp-now/issues 来询问。

Hi @YesimEEC First, you can update to the latest MDF version. From your log, you can see that the MDF version is not up to date. You can query 'git...

@kumar-ashish1 This problem should be caused by your idf environment not being installed in advance. Process under idf: export IDF_PATH=~/path/to/esp-idf ../install.sh ../export.sh Please let the idf environment set up first,...