generative_inpainting copied to clipboard
[Deepfill2] Is prograss bar removed during training?
Hello, @JiahuiYu . There is no progress bar after "Trigger callback: Total counts of trainable weights: 9999294. Total size of trainable weights: 0G 9M 548K 958B (Assuming32-bit data type.)" anymore. What should i do to have it back?
Thanks for the question! Yes. The progress bar is removed. Please check GPU usage and wait until the end of each epoch - and there will be a few messages. I will keep this issue open.
Thanks for your reply. I prefer the previous one, what should i do to have it back?
Hi, sure you can do that. Please checkout the commit history to see what’s changed.
Sorry but could you share with me which version is the latest that contains the progress bar? I checked the commit history but did not find it. Thank you @cmyyy @JiahuiYu
@cmyyy Hi, have you get back the training model with progress bar.
@cmyyy Hi, have you get back the training model with progress bar.
I modify neuralgym \ utils \ Finally uncomment sys.stdout.write (info)
Is the name of the generated model like this ? “”. Appears in this directory model_logs\full_model_celeba_256\
Is the name of the generated model like this ? “”. Appears in this directory model_logs\full_model_celeba_256\
it's the log for the TensorBoard, check this
Hi, @JiahuiYu I have the same question of "Trigger callback: Total counts of trainable weights: 9999294. Total size of trainable weights: 0G 9M 548K 958B (Assuming32-bit data type.)" How can I solve this question. It is any available code have solved this question already?