switcher copied to clipboard
Hard to find default wallpapers
I'd like to use default wallpapers with Switcher. I don't know where on my computer they are. It would be great if Switcher made it easy to get to them.
What's a "default wallpaper"?
The ones that come with elementary OS, these ones:
Oh, I get it then. What about default wallpapers folder being the default folder of selecting wallpapers?
That would be a definite improvement!
I think the "right" way to do this would be to do it like the regular background picker does it (the one shown in the picture above), however that is. :)
But defaulting to the wallpapers folder would be an easy way to get like 80% of the same functionality.
Drastic UI proposals will be considered when a new version is being planned.
According to the documentation at least one of these methods' functionality sets the default folder in the dialog:
However none of them work (at least for me). Can you try the code of the branch issue3 and say if it works for you?
I tested it and it doesn't work for me either.
On this page in the documentation they advise against using set_current_folder
Note that old versions of the file chooser’s documentation suggested using set_current_folder in various situations, with the intention of letting the application suggest a reasonable default folder. This is no longer considered to be a good policy, as now the file chooser is able to make good suggestions on its own. In general, you should only cause the file chooser to show a specific folder when it is appropriate to use set_filename, i.e. when you are doing a Save As command and you already have a file saved somewhere.
Could this behaviour be blocked in elementary OS?
Maybe we're better off abandoning this seemingly simple path, and instead creating a simple interface to pick from existing wallpapers in the two wallpaper locations, and then having a button to add another one.
Essentially like the background picker in the Desktop Plug.
Might be able to use some of the code from this plug.
This feels important to me, so I'll look into adding this.
I've looked into this a bit, but I'm giving up for now.
I've read the code of the desktop plug and even you can move a lot of them it has some quirky things about the way it manages and sets the backgrounds so it'll need some code adaptation. I'll move this to the version2 flag.