kotlin-wrappers copied to clipboard
useEffectOnce / useLayoutEffectOnce / useRef broken when re-rendering at an above component
When using these hooks in a component, whenever we trigger a re-render from the above components it doesn't remember it has been fired once already and loses its "memory". Note that the re-render needs to induce DOM modifications (node add/delete as far as I know) for the bug to happen.
The expected behavior is the following on React JS : https://codesandbox.io/s/kind-sea-45wqs?file=/src/App.tsx But it instead acts just like this : https://codesandbox.io/s/kind-sea-45wqs?file=/src/App.tsx
It's what we've at least observed in our project and we reproduced the bug this way :
Main component with the state update and children:
OnceComponent :
ParentComponent :
Console output after pressing the button multiple times :
The minimal way to work around this issue is by using a unique key on the uppermost components next to the state being updated (direct children) :
NB : Slack thread on the issue https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C5ZTZ6ER0/p1628553043020800
@Lezzio @PeredurOmega Do you use function components?
Almost exclusively
This issue is reopened because we still have problems with keys in wrappers and we have plans to introduce some solution.
Workarounds unlocked by #1264
Next step - compiler plugin! :)
Compiler plugin with conditional rendering support is ready!