JetBrainsMono copied to clipboard
2.301 OTF: right backtick (U+0060) higher than left backtick
right ` higher than left `
This O can be changed to any capital English letters
I use OTF v2.301 and tried on and off ligatures, do not work.
2.242 JB Mono NL is fine
2.302 the same.
Only the NL version is good.
and it still can be reproduced in v2.303, and ttf version.
@philippnurullin seems like a ligature issue
This issue is introduced by script that changes the mark from a default version (grave
in this particular case) to special for capital letters version -
This is needed when the symbol is combined with the mark and exact letter.
For now, I don't see a more elegant solution as to remove the grave
from that rule. I believe it's the only symbol creating problems when working with code.
Yes, I think one rule is enough
This bug no longer exists in v2.304 "Fixed the backquotes placement"
still be reproducible in v2.304. Main problem is single capitalised letters. Also, NL version doesn't have this bug.