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Many-to-Many mapping with attributes
Hello, I have the following problem which I do not know how to solve. I have "Candidates" as well as "Skills" which own have their own table and I want a many to many relationship between them where the "level" is an attribute of the table which links both Entities:
object Candidates: UUIDTable() {
val name = varchar("name", 50).index()
val age = short("age").nullable()
val created = datetime("created")
val updated = datetime("updated")
class Candidate (id: EntityID<UUID>) : UUIDEntity(id) {
companion object : UUIDEntityClass<Candidate>(Candidates)
var name by
var age by Candidates.age
var skills by Skill via CandidateSkills
object CandidateSkills: Table() {
val candidate = reference("candidate", Candidates, onDelete = ReferenceOption.CASCADE).primaryKey(0)
val skillName = reference("skillName", Skills, onDelete = ReferenceOption.CASCADE).primaryKey(1)
val level = short("level")
object Skills: UUIDTable() {
val skillName = varchar("skill_name", 40).index()
class Skill(id: EntityID<UUID>) : UUIDEntity(id) {
companion object : UUIDEntityClass<Skill>(Skills)
var skillName by Skills.skillName
// How get this to work?
var level by CandidateSkill referencedOn CandidateSkills.level
The documentation does not mention how to reference such an attribute.
Could somebody help me please?
Best regards. Mike
Hi, I have had the same problem in the past, but my issue @ #928 has not been addressed. Kind of sad actually, since this is a really good ORM, but without basic SQL functionality it is not suitable at all for larger projects, so I suggest you switch to something else if you plan on doing more complex things than having a few int-id-PK tables.
Has anyone found a workaround for it yet? Earlier today i said nice things about JetBrains, but now seeing that ORM system cannot do basic thing like that, makes me think another way. It has been a year from last comment...