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Distribution of apps with Fastlane and Firebase for apps made in IOS, Android or React Native
Distribution of apps with Fastlane and Firebase
Distribution of apps with firebase for apps made in IOS, Android or React Native
This repository was created with the intention of helping developers to improve and optimize your apps when they are distributed.
Fastlane installation:
- Using RubyGems
sudo gem install fastlane -NV
- Using Homebrew
brew install fastlane
Firebase CLI installation:
Follow the steps of the CLI firebase documentation: Firebase CLI
After installing Firebase CLI, run in the terminal:
firebase login
IOS Setup:
Navigate to your IOS project folder and run:
fastlane init
Choose option 4 and follow the steps in the terminal
Follow the next step:
- Add plugin
Run and follow the steps in the terminal:
fastlane add_plugin firebase_app_distribution
- Add .env file
Navigate to the fastlane folder of your project, create an .env file and copy the following:
SCHEME_NAME="" // Scheme name of your IOS project
BUNDLE_ID="" // Bundle ID of your IOS project
DISTRIBUTION_PROFILE_FIREBASE="" // Profile name (InHouse or Ad Hoc)
APP_ID="" // App Id of your project in Firebase Console
GROUPS="" // Name of the groups created for distribution in Firebase Console
- Add new task
Add this new task in the Fastfile file
desc "Building your App in beta version"
lane :beta do |options|
build(profile: options[:env])
app: ENV['APP_ID'],
groups: ENV["GROUPS"] || options[:groups],
release_notes: options[:notes] || "",
private_lane :build do |options|
puts "+------------------------------------+".bold.blue
puts "|-- Environment: #{options[:profile]} 🚀 --|".bold.blue
puts "+------------------------------------+".bold.blue
scheme = ENV['SCHEME_NAME']
method = (options[:profile] == 'distribution' ? "app-store" : "ad-hoc")
profile = (options[:profile] == 'distribution' ?
scheme: scheme,
export_options: {
method: method,
provisioningProfiles: {
ENV['BUNDLE_ID'] => profile
include_bitcode: true,
clean: true
Android Setup:
Navigate to your Android project folder, run and follow the steps in the terminal:
fastlane init
Follow the next step:
- Add plugin
Run and follow the steps in the terminal:
fastlane add_plugin increment_version_code
fastlane add_plugin firebase_app_distribution
- Add .env file
Navigate to the fastlane folder of your project, create an .env file and copy the following:
APP_ID="" // App Id of your project in Firebase Console
GROUPS="" // Name of the groups created for distribution in Firebase Console
- Add new task
Add this new task in the Fastfile file
desc "Building your App in version beta"
lane :beta do |options|
puts "+---------------------------------+".bold.blue
puts "|-- Environment: #{options[:env]} 🚀 --|".bold.blue
puts "+---------------------------------+".bold.blue
gradle_file_path: "app/build.gradle",
task: "clean assembleRelease"
app: ENV['APP_ID'],
groups: ENV["GROUPS"] || options[:groups],
release_notes: options[:notes] || "",
Finally we run our task:
fastlane beta env:development