Jessica Scheick

Results 58 issues of Jessica Scheick

We use the sphinx extension for bibtex to include references in our documentation. The extension (`sphinxcontrib.bibtex`) uses `pybtex` under the hood to parse and format the bibtex entries. It would...

help wanted

When a bounding box that crosses the dateline is entered, the `region_a.visualize_spatial_extent()` function erroneously plots the box with the longitudes effectively switched. However, the information is correctly submitted to Earthdata...


Data files downloaded from NSIDC come in a series of directories and subdirectories with long names. Amy's tutorial included some code for managing this structure and simplifying it to put...

good first issue

Currently icepyx relies completely on user input to generate a class object, which is then used to query, order, and download data. We'd like to expand the acceptable inputs to...


Currently, examples and code us os.path to interact with the file system. We'd like to transition to using pathlib instead. We're looking for someone interested in helping work with us...

good first issue

One of icepyx's primary goals is to make it easier to work with ICESat-2 data. The present class object data structure aims to facilitate switching between multiple data structures to...

help wanted

How can we speed up our test builds, e.g. through [parallelization]( and [caching](

help wanted

Functionality is rapidly being added to icepyx. We're looking for a team to make sure our test suite is fully capturing that functionality. No prior experience with automatic testing needed!

help wanted
good first issue

The current docs for using the jupyter-sphinx [download roles]( are outdated. I eventually tracked down the correct syntax as `{nb-download}` (from its usage in [MyST-NB]( with the file extension required....

Multiple issues note that icepyx functionality falters for spatial inputs that cross the dateline. One challenge is that - under the hood - we were using `shapely.geometry.Polygon` features to standardize...