vue-lazy-load-list icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-lazy-load-list copied to clipboard


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A lazy load component of vue. when a list or nested list is very large, the browser can't carry it if we render all list data. this component is used to solve those problems. we render data we can see right now not the future data.


npm install --save vue-lazy-load-list beautify-scrollbar


import Vue from 'vue';
import 'beautify-scrollbar/dist/index.css';
import lazyLoadList from 'vue-lazy-load-list';


Used in component

<lazy-load-list :data="data"></lazy-load-list>



props type requred optional default details
data Array yes ———— [] a list or a nested list. you should be noticed that the item of list shold be an object. if any object's keys include children, this children also should be a list with it's items is object too. and so on ...
listHeight Number or String no ———— 100px the height of list in this component
itemHeight Number or String no ———— 40px the height of each item
mode String no 'demand' or 'lazy' 'demand' render mode. when it was set to demand, this componet will only render that demanded data. when those items was scrolled up, they will be removed from DOM. when it was set to lazy, those items was scrolled up is still in DOM.
searchKeys Array no ———— [] when we enter some words we search, componets will use the value of keys in searchKeys to filter
threshold Number or String no ———— 0 when reach that point which distance to the end is 'threshold' px, the component will emit a event named reach-threshold
tag String no ———— ‘div’ dom name of list wrap
itemTag String no ———— ‘div’ dom name of item
hasSearchInput Boolean no ———— true whether the search input display
placeholder String no ———— 'please enter keywords' the placeholder of search input


props type requred optional default details
reach-threshold Function no ———— nothing when reach that point which distance to the end is 'threshold' px, the component will emit this event

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build