Jerven Bolleman
Jerven Bolleman
Solr 9.2, now ships jetty 10. so the elastic search one might be the last problematic one?
@leonqli Just want to note that the boost version shipping as a package with cent-os 7 series and the equivalent 8 series is not compatible with the one required by...
@lemire I assumed as much in most cases. But the comment on IntIterator suggests that there are cases where scalarization used to fail and `Iterator` was slower than `IntIterator` by...
Well I ran into an issue :( when adapting the existing `RealDataBenchmarkIterate.iterate` jmh usecase. > java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Receiver class io.druid.extendedset.intset.ConciseSet$BitIterator does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method...
Oh to see the difference of running the test with `nextInt()` and the same with `next()`. A before after could have worked but then I would need to be careful...
Ah yes the druid problem is from [here]( Which could impact users which would use the new `nextInt()` method on their implementations unless special care is taken as in the...
Here comes a very large table with benchmark results from my desktop with JDK1.8 on a cheap (AMD Ryzen 3 3200G). ``` RealDataBenchmarkIterate.iterate census-income false concise avgt 5 93624.570 ±...
Here comes the JDK-17 batch. Which I find surprising and very interesting. ``` Benchmark (dataset) (immutable) (type) Mode Cnt Score Error Units RealDataBenchmarkIterate.iterate census-income false concise avgt 5 60585.840 ±...
Ok. I am going to try taking the current on java disk format as guide. and see how that goes :)
> > I would like to use Roaring64NavigableBitmap as an read-only data-structure that may be backed by memory mapped implementations. > Can this be achieved with org.roaringbitmap.longlong.Roaring64NavigableMap#Roaring64NavigableMap(org.roaringbitmap.BitmapDataProviderSupplier) ? I have...