Jerry Zhang

Results 26 issues of Jerry Zhang

### Description Hi, I noticed that LuLu's naming in System Settings could be improved. Currently, it's called `` ### Steps to reproduce - Go to System -> Network ->...

**这个问题是否源自某个缺陷?如果是,可于此处描述一下 | Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Mos 目前的应用图标是圆形的,在其他符合 Apple 标准的应用中有些突兀 **说说你的新点子 | Describe the solution you'd like** 不知道能不能麻烦作者更新一个符合 [Apple Human Interface 标准](的 app 图标🙏🏻...

**Describe the bug | 问题描述** 在Twitter for Mac应用或者信息app中,如果快速滚动鼠标滑轮一次,在短时间内就不能再滚动第二次 **To Reproduce | 如何重现** 在Twitter for Mac时间线界面或者信息app聊天界面中快速滚动滑轮一次,然后紧接着再滚动一次,就会发现第二次滚动滑轮没有作用,只有等一下再尝试才能响应;关闭Mos则不会出现这个问题 - 只有特定应用才会出现这个问题,Safari和活动监视器中都没有复现成功 - 要成功复现,需要在第一次快速滚动滑轮之后等界面滚动停下来的一瞬间再滚动滑轮 **Expected behavior | 期望结果** 在一次快速滚动之后,界面停下来的一瞬间再次滚动滑轮Mos也可以正常响应 **Screenshots | 相关截图** **System Info...

Catalyst ISSUE

### Changes - Migrate Localizable.string/stringdict to String Catalog

Xcode 15 introduced a new way to localize apps: [String Catalog]( just build the app in Xcode and the strings in the code will be automatically synced into the code....

### Describe Your Request Swiftcord generates cache at ~/Library/Containers/io.cryptoalgo.swiftcord. Perhaps a button in Settings to clean it would be great. ### Category Settings ### Other Category _No response_ ### Screenshots


### Preview

We want to rewrite the About view in Settings to look modern and in a horizontal layout Some apps with good about views we could take as reference - Xcode...

fixed in next release