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Play Services
I'm trying to create jar from google play services location but i have this error message:
Could not find Searched in the following locations:
What must i add to the gradle file??? Thanks
I'm on the go so cannot try it out, but can you try adding mavenLocal() below jCenter() in dependencies part of main build.gradle?
Google play services doesn't come from an online Maven, but from the offline Maven repository in the Android SDK folder.
I have tried but same result. I have found the solution, but (damn play services!) it depends on support library and android package and now it doesn't build because i have to resolve android package dependency. Howover,I have
- found location on sdk path of google play services.
- extracted "classes.jar" from google-place service location.aar and renamed "play-services-location-8.3.0.jar"
- Added on build.gradle this
allprojects { repositories { maven { url "C:/Android/android-sdk/extras/google/m2repository/" } maven { url "C:/Android/android-sdk/extras/android/m2repository" }