spNetwork copied to clipboard
Error: Error in coordsLines[[nearest_line_index[x]]] : attempt to select less than one element in get1index <real>
I'm getting this error when trying to implement the code from this tutorial with my own data from OSMdata. Traceback is pasted below
Error in coordsLines[[nearest_line_index[x]]] :
attempt to select less than one element in get1index <real>
7: nrow(coordsLine)
6: vapply(2:nrow(coordsLine), function(x) {
nearestPointOnSegment(coordsLine[(x - 1):x, ], coordsPoint)
}, FUN.VALUE = c(0, 0, 0))
5: nearestPointOnLine(coordsLines[[nearest_line_index[x]]], coordsPoints[x,
4: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
3: vapply(1:nrow(points), function(x) {
coordsPoints[x, ]))
}, FUN.VALUE = c(0, 0))
2: snapPointsToLines2(start_points, lines, "OID")
1: calc_isochrones(lines = pgh_network, start_points = df_center,
dists = c(500), weight = "length")
Code here:
pgh_bb <- getbb("Pittsburgh", display_name_contains = "United States")
pgh <- opq(bbox = pgh_bb) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'highway') %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
pgh_network <- pgh$osm_lines %>%
pgh_network$length <- as.numeric(st_length(pgh_network))
centroid <- st_centroid(pgh_blocks)
center_coords <- st_coordinates(centroid)[1:2,] #do for two right now
df_center <- center_coords %>%
data.frame() %>%
mutate("OID" = row_number()) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("X","Y"), crs = proj_crs)
iso_results <- calc_isochrones(lines = pgh_network,
start_points = df_center,
dists = c(500),
weight = "length"
And here is a diagram of the study area
Hello !
I can have a look at this bug, but I need the coordinates of the points you are using. The variable pgh_blocks is not defined in your code above.
Hi Jeremy, thank you I appreciate the help. These are the two coordinates that I'm extracting from PGH_blocks: X Y [1,] 1374390 419121.5 [2,] 1357437 426328.9
The error is caused by your road network. It comes from OSM data and has the CRS 4326 (lon/lat). spNetwork expects projected data. I can see that your starting points are projected with the crs 2272. When I set everything in the same crs it works well :
pgh_bb <- getbb("Pittsburgh", display_name_contains = "United States")
pgh <- opq(bbox = pgh_bb) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'highway') %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
pgh_network <- pgh$osm_lines %>%
select(highway) %>%
pgh_network$length <- as.numeric(st_length(pgh_network))
center_coords <- rbind(c(1374390, 419121.5),
c(1357437, 426328.9)
df_center <- center_coords %>%
data.frame() %>%
mutate("OID" = row_number()) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("X1","X2"), crs = 2272)
iso_results <- calc_isochrones(lines = pgh_network,
start_points = df_center,
dists = c(500),
weight = "length"
iso_results |>
mutate(distance = as.factor(distance)) |>
tm_shape() +
tm_lines(col = "distance", palette = "viridis") +
tm_shape(df_center) +
tm_bubbles(col = "red")