Jeremy Drysdale
Jeremy Drysdale
### What is the feature being requested? Implement a connector view tab This will display the netlist - show the names of all the nets, connectors in the design and...
From @priti-ashvin-shah-ibm ### What is the feature being requested? The net_info table is at `design._qnet.net_info` This keeps track of which components are connected within QDesign. It may be helpful to...
Please be as descriptive as possible, including: what is expected, why is this feature needed, what is the objective, etc. ### What is the feature being requested? Update metal to...
Please be as descriptive as possible, including: what is expected, why is this feature needed, what is the objective, etc. ### What is the feature being requested? New LOM code...
From @ThomasGM4 ### What is the feature being requested? Add a Layer ID# to the qgeometry table that is paired against Layer #. - Possibly have Layer # be a...
From @dwang429 ### What is the feature being requested? Enlarge Yes/No Buttons in GUI Popup Windows ### What are use cases for this feature? Easier to read buttons
From @marcolincs ### What is the current behavior? ``` design.overwrite_enabled = True cpw = RouteMeander(design,options=options) ``` run twice gives error: `Pin a of component Q1 is already in use. None...
From @zlatko-minev ### What is the feature being requested? QComponent from GDS import - Import GDS shapes - try to convert to shapely intelligently - add properties, assign layers, pos/neg...
### What is the documentation modification? Embed gifs for hard to find features in the docs. This requires fleshing out to specify what are good candidates.
### What is the feature being requested? Automate jupyter notebook testing Manual testing of several folders of jupyter notebooks is time consuming and should be automated ### What are use...