threejs-texture-tool copied to clipboard
A tool who build, show and update canvas textures who can be used in a three.js project.
ThreejsTextureTool 0.5.1
A tool to preview and update your canvases or pictures used for your three.js textures.
Getting Started (es6)
Create a texture with a dynamic canvas
import { createCanvasTexture } from 'threejs-texture-tool';
// Create a canvasTexture
const canvasTexture = createCanvasTexture({
name: 'myCanvas',
onStart: (props) => {
// Draw once a rectangle and add a mouse move Listener
// To update this canvas
const { width, height, context, canvas, update } = props;
context.rect(0, 0, width, height);
context.fillStyle = '#F6FF49';
canvas.onmousemove = e => {
update(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);
onUpdate: (x, y) => {
// Called by `canvasTexture.udpate(...)`
const { context } = canvasTexture;
context.arc(x, y, 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
context.fillStyle = mainColor;
// Different accesses
const { texture, material, uniform, canvas } = canvasTexture;
Create a texture with a picture
import { createImageTexture } from 'threejs-texture-tool';
// Load the picture
const imgTexture = createImageTexture('./test1.jpg', { name: 'test', onLoad: () => {
// Manipulate params
imgTexture.texture.wrapS =
imgTexture.texture.wrapT =
imgTexture.uniform.value.wrapS =
imgTexture.uniform.value.wrapT =
} });
// Different accesses
const { texture, material, uniform, image } = canvasTexture;
Get material / uniform and other transformations
For the both textureTools, you can get her material and uniform object compatible with three.js
// Use it as material
const mesh = THREE.Mesh(
new BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1),
// Into shaderMaterial
const shaderMaterial = new ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: {
imgMap: imageOrCanvasTexture.uniform,
vertexShader: shaderVert,
fragmentShader: shaderFrag,
side: DoubleSide,
// Get only the picture
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = imageTexture.image;
// Get only the canvas
const canvas = canvasTexture.canvas;
remplace dragDrop dependencie from scratch
drag and move all openned textures anywhere in the view
reset each canvas texture with a button
functions to generate specific canvas textures :
- noiseTexture
- perlinNoiseTexture
- gradientTexture
- perlinGradientNoiseTexture
- customTexture
- fusionTexture / superposeTextures