scribble-lab copied to clipboard
Personal prototyping tool to scribbling with code.
Scribble lab
Just a regroupment of some searches, tests, experiments around javascript or CSS and their frameworks.
-All GIFs
Native WebGL
My exps in native WebGL!
36DaysOfType 2019
My participation of the 36 Days Of Types challenge did with the Reflektor Digital team
Floating Boxes
Play with physics to make interactives floating boxes
Blobs & Metaballs
Prototypes (and explorations) for the Watermelon wellness lab projet by Pamm Hong exposed during the Sydney Design Festival 2018
Metabubbles & PostProcessing
Use a custom postprocessing to use the meshes as a mask.
Webgl fluid background researches
My contributions of the Codevember challenge 2017.
Webgl Particles
Generate particles with different techniques. Other projects here: Northern Boreal Typhoon & FBO Particles at Grow Paris 2017
Sea, Fog and Boat
3D infinite sea inspirated by the work of Nathan Grodon on Wind Waker Graphics Analiysis and The Ocean
2D Canvas API
Experimentations around interactive shapes in 2d with the native canvas API
Pixi.js ropes
Usage of the Pixi.js mesh.Rope method to to create true ropes and looped hair.
Codevember 2016
My contributions of the Codevember challenge in 2016.
Codevember 2015
My contributions of the Codevember challenge in 2015.