Jérémie Boulay
Jérémie Boulay
I have the same problem. hideDropDown() doesn't work with complete.ly.1.0.1.min.js
Cool ! It will be very useful ! But seen like this, HTML module seem to be more powerful than Shape module if we put inside SVG elements. Why separate...
Okay ! Thank you for these precisions ! I will stop my questions or we'll spend all the night on that 😅. So in conclusion, we can say the tween...
Hey @ZXYCir and thanks for your feedback. Demo 5 is the only one demo who use postprocessing to add the bloom effect. Bloom effect allocate a lot of temporary memory...
@ZXYCir your Graphics card seems to have good capacities... To be sure that is not because of the postprocessing, can you try to comment on these lines : - L-30:...
@ZXYCir Now we find the issue point, let's find a solution! Have you already try something to fix that? Like save the intersect object into a variable who is already...
Just to follow up because I have the same problem. I'm using v2.7.0.
Hi @JoostvanPinxten ! You can use the `myLine.isMeshLine` attribute to check if the Mesh has been created from a MeshLine. For the rest of your comment, I'm afraid that I...
It's probably due to the feature called `frustumCulled`: https://threejs.org/docs/index.html#api/en/core/Object3D.frustumCulled > Check every frame if the object is in the frustum of the camera before rendering the object. > Otherwise, the...
Hi there, There is a good fork here with multiple gifsicle options already implemented (and documented). https://github.com/jihchi/imagemin-giflossy You should ask him to do a pull request or merge the work...