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Tracking your Income and Expenses Automatically.

Personal Finance

The purpose of this application to easily track your personal finance by giving the script a set of keywords. As daily life usually has quite a lot of similar transactions (groceries, shopping, eating out etc.) you can create a complete overview of your spending pattern rather quickly.


Set-Up / Installation

  1. Copy the spreadsheet template you can find here.
  2. Connect a Spreadsheet to gspread, follow "For Bots: Using Service Account" until step 6 from this guide.
  3. Clone this repository.
  4. Run pip install -e . in this repository, this will install it as CLI tool.
  5. Configure config.yaml to your needs. By default this is set to:
    spreadsheet_name: Finances
    input_sheet: Input
    bank_data_sheet: Bank Data
    client_secret_file: client_secret.json
    If you use my template, these are already correct if you change the name of the spreadsheet to "Finances".
  6. Don't forget to add the "client_secret.json" file to the same folder.
  7. Download your transaction data as CSV (for example: NLXXINGBXXXXXXXXXX_01-01-2011_02-07-2020.csv)
    • Currently the only working bank is ING. If you want to make it work with your bank, please send me a file with the format your bank uses so I can include it as an option.
  8. Run personal_finance in your terminal and checkout the result.