Could this page be added to under new get involved or about section ?
@kylemh sounds cool to me! If you want to take it go for it
@dmarchante are you still working on this? @kylemh is this something that will be added into new layout under get involved ?
also are volunteers and sponsors separated now or they want them separated?
sooo per @AshTemp slack intro is probably # 1 with the map # 2 events and successes at # 3 and scholarships
@hollomancer is this still something we can do?
slack call tonight... whatever platform best fits our needs and budget? as along as @hollomancer @davidmolina give approval and I can track it! @kylemh @Cooperbuilt Thanks guys
whomever takes this will you contact me before starting script this is a site full of free stock images. It might be nice if we could change up the images now and then