Jelle Aalbers
Jelle Aalbers
See #129
Mentioned by @pdeperio in #507
We currently delete runs which are marked 'processed' ( and have ended (DAQ stopped) more than two hours ago. However, marking a run as processed happens when the *trigger* is...
Readers insert data asynchronously into the database, so at a given time the most recent data in the database is incomplete -- not all digitizers have contributed to it. The...
For current runs the event builder log file is about 75 MB in size. It looks like this is all due to junk at the start. Perhaps the file-clearing logic...
Right now the dead time is only computed for each individual system (just the time between X-on and X-off signals).
@molinario reports the event builder can throw an error such as: ``` File "/home/xedaq/pax/pax/trigger_plugins/", line 21, in process last_i = find_last_break(times=data.pulses['time'], TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable ``` indicating the...
The status line printed during multiprocessing uses sys.stdout.flush() to overwrite the last line in the output, to avoid the screen filling with status messages. However, this means the output becomes...
During event building for run 152 I noticed some events (in particular 2000-2056) do not have the correct trigger signals saved along with them. There are some trigger signals saved...
From # Somehow monary's block query fails when we have multiple blocks, # we need to take care of copying out the data ourselves, but even if I use...