Evgeny Danilenko
Evgeny Danilenko
Hmmm... @acroca it sounds like a good e2e test to have! Shall we add one?
but someone could do it as an attack on the network.
Agree! Lets close this issue and make a new one for unit and e2e tests.
Is a fixed price safe from dos attack, when melicious user spams a network with huge number of transactions? Maybe we need to do some research about it and other...
@rgeraldes ethereum model prevents dos attack by increasing gas price: the more someone spam the network the more the price of each transaction and whole attack, so we can be...
@rgeraldes Do we want stateless client in future steps - https://ethresear.ch/t/the-stateless-client-concept/172 ?
@rgeraldes nice! Will fix last 2 issues and get this one.
@acroca It looks pretty similar to https://github.com/kowala-tech/kcoin/issues/792#issuecomment-425039774 - sync started after `join` call and EVM error.
This is caused by inconsistent state after reorg panic. As far as https://github.com/kowala-tech/kcoin/pull/788 is merged, could you recheck full sync on currect dev branch? @jgimeno @adamking
The reason is `DEBUG[08-15|08:41:07.371] Bad packet from rlp: value size exceeds available input length`