
Results 92 issues of Jeeppler

Does KICS support Bicep? The documentation of KICS lists a number of technologies which are [supported by KICS]( However, Bicep is not explicitly mentioned. You only link to the [comparison...

feature request

SpringBoot 3 and Spring Framework 6 will require at least Java 17 to run: In addition, SpringBoot 3 and Spring Framework will switch to Jakarta EE 9. That means...

change management

Java Enterprise moved from Oracle to the Eclipse Foundation. As part of the transition it was necessary to rename the javax.* namespace to jakarta.*: We currently have 400+ import...

change management

# Problem Before I can perform a scan, I need to provide a SecHub configuration. This is easy enough to do. However, sometimes I really just want to perform a...


# Problem There is no documentation available explaining the simple Role Based Access Control (RBAC) model of SecHub server. # Solution Add a new section to the architecture documentation explaining...


Introduce the ability on the side of SecHub to increase or set the severity of specific CWEs to critical. For example, the ability to set the [CWE-89 SQL Injection]( to...


I tried to install the Helm Chart on Minikube and get the following error: ~~~ $ helm install spring-petclinic-cloud Platform9-Community/spring-petclinic-cloud --namespace spring-petclinic --create-namespace Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: chart requires kubeVersion: >=...


tcpcryptd Initializing... Reading random seed from /dev/urandom Running Testing network via Test result: port 80 crypt 0 req 0 state 2 err 668 flags 0 Test result: port 80...