These topics were discussed during the March 7 PM Design Systems meeting. Jeanette subsequently attended the VRMS team's general meeting. Please read the following answers below. - How many people...
@allthatyazz blocker: upgrading to Plus plan on SoGoSurvey, currently in email correspondence with their support team.
Create issue on website Github to add SoGoSurvey to the credit page.
Created issue for the SoGoSurvey credit reference. This ticket now depends on
Update: the credit reference ticket is currently in website's team icebox, Yas is looking for an internal designer (a.k.a. from the design systems team) to help me out with regards...
Alongside, the VRMS team is looking into some stats with regards to newjoiner trends: You can check in with them to see how far along they are.
@cunninghamej Hereby the ticket for piloting the onboarding survey. You can see both the previous and follow up ticket attached to this ticket :-)
@jessicaLucindaCheng thank you! @cunninghamej and @allthatyazz Please keep an eye on the following ticket Once the reference is online the SoGoSurvey platform team should be approached with a screenshot...
Hey @navarroliuanthony, once you feel better: Please provide an update: 1. Progress: “What is the current status of this ticket? What have you completed and what is left to do?”...