simple-bar copied to clipboard
Icon Requests Tracker Issue
Current Icon Tracker
- [x] RocketChat
- [x] Super Productivity
- [x] Gnucash
- [x] MimeStream
- [x] Anki
- [x] Arc
- [x] Pins
- [x] TickTick
- [x] Final-Cut-Pro
- [x] Setapp
- [x] Sublime text
- [x] Matlab
- [x] Tor Browser
- [x] moneymoney
- [x] GrandTotal
- [x] Receipts
- [x] Typora
- [x] Calibre
- [x] CleanmymacX
- [x] Vivaldi
- [x] Atom
- [x] Folx
- [x] Xcode
- [x] Zulip
- [x] Kakoune
- [x] KeePassXC
- [x] MailMate
- [x] Zotero
- [x] Signal
- [x] mpv
- [x] zathura (has no icon though – maybe a 'generic' pdf icon?)
- [x] Skim
- [x] Element
- [x] Tower
- [x] Apple Preview
- [x] VSCode Insiders
- [x] OmniFocus
Icon Contribution Guideline
(Originally posted by @Jean-Tinland in
For each icon I'm following these steps:
- I'm getting the original icon or, if not in a vector format I'm redrawing it in Figma. No need to be extremely precise as it is displayed in a really small size)
- I'm setting the new icon in a
viewbox - Then I'm optimising it using SVGOMG
- Finally I'm adding it to the
file in order to make the association inapp-icons.js
Preview? :)
Feel free to add my fork as a git-remote and checkout my main branch for preview!
Signal and Preview (standard PDF icon) in
Oh, you meant the app Preview! Thought you wanted to preview the new icons.😅
how about these applications
I'll add them to the list. Pretty busy with work atm, so my progress is bound to be slow. Feel free to contribute, I will insert the workflow as described by @Jean-Tinland in the first post. I found the workflow is easy to follow and once I figured out how to use figma I got pretty fast at it.
Signal/Zotero/Preview in
hey, great work on the recent updates, really looking forward to custom widgets :D
Can we get the vscode icon linked to vscode insiders as well?
I'd assume VSCodium would be a similar situation too, not sure if that's handled, just thought i'd mention it.
Just wondering if we could add a few more icons such as: Vivaldi Atom Folx Xcode
I added these 4 to the list!
I am wondering if there's any way to adjust the size of the icons in the bar?
Can we please get system preferences in here too please
I added a gear icon for System preferences
app in my latest commit!
Thank you! Can we please get the News icon as well please
would it be possible to assign icons to certain apps?. for example a calendar icon for a different, or non-standard calendar app. Or Apple preview which for me (on a Norwegian system) gets the default icon.
I'd love an Omnifocus icon!
I've made and added some of the mentioned icons on the current icon tracker and it works for me. Also, sublime text has already been implemented.
Awesome work, love this bar. An email icon for would be nice, thanks!
I am wondering if there's any way to adjust the size of the icons in the bar?
@m-k-S I managed to do it by making adjustments to the css for the space__icon
class in lib/styles/components/spaces/space.js
.space__icon {
flex: 0 0 16px;
width: 16px;
height: 11px;
margin-left: 6px;
fill: currentColor;
opacity: 0.5;
transform: matrix(1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0);
After scaling the icons using a transformation matrix, I tweaked width
and flex
to correct the horizontal spacing.
Could you please add icons for:
I took a stab at creating them but don't know if they are up to your standards. Would you prefer that I open a pull request?
export const GoodNotes = (props) => (
<Icon {...props}>
<path d="M6.375 5.625h8.25a.375.375 0 000-.75h-8.25a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0M6.375 7.875h8.25a.375.375 0 000-.75h-8.25a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0M6.375 10.125h8.25a.375.375 0 000-.75h-8.25a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0M6.375 12.375h8.25a.375.375 0 000-.75h-8.25a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0M6.375 14.625h3a.375.375 0 000-.75h-3a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0"/>
<path d="M21.195 9.61a1.131 1.131 0 00-1.543.402l-.902 1.543V2.25a.375.375 0 00-.375-.375h-2.844S14.402.727 14.36.765A.353.353 0 0014.25.75H3.375A.375.375 0 003 1.125v1.172a1.5 1.5 0 000 2.906v.844a1.5 1.5 0 000 2.906v.844a1.5 1.5 0 000 2.906v.469a1.5 1.5 0 000 2.906v2.297c0 .207.168.375.375.375h.375v1.125c0 .207.168.375.375.375h9.531l-.258.438a.365.365 0 00-.046.128v.004l-.004.008-.297 1.992c-. 0 00.417-.028l1.598-1.238c.102-.082.152-.13.145-.196l.87-1.488h2.114a.375.375 0 00.375-.375v-3.871l2.844-4.856a1.123 1.123 0 00-.399-1.539zm-.664.609c.145-.04.301.015.395.136a.38.38 0 01.023.415l-.191.324-.645-.38.188-.323a.367.367 0 01.23-.172zm-5.648 10.906l-.649-.379 4.93-8.414.648.379zm-.258-19.094l1.344 1.344h-1.344zm4.918 9.653l.191-.32.645.378-.188.32zM18 2.625V12.75c0 . 1.29V3.75a.379.379 0 00-.11-.266l-.859-.859zM3.75 1.5h10.125v2.25c0 .207.168.375.375.375h2.25v11.27L14.973 18H3.75v-1.922c.527-.137.941-.55 1.078-1.078a.375.375 0 00-.727-.188.736.736 0 01-.351.461v-2.57c.527-.137.941-.55 1.078-1.078a.375.375 0 00-.727-.188.736.736 0 01-.351.461V8.953c.527-.137.941-.55 1.078-1.078a.375.375 0 00-.727-.188.736.736 0 01-.351.461V5.203c.527-.137.941-.55 1.078-1.078a.375.375 0 00-.727-.188.736.736 0 01-.351.461zM2.625 3.75c0-.27.145-.516.375-.648v1.296a.748.748 0 01-.375-.648zm0 3.75c0-.27.145-.516.375-.648v1.296a.748.748 0 01-.375-.648zm0 3.75c0-.27.145-.516.375-.648v1.296a.748.748 0 01-.375-.648zm0 3.375c0-.27.145-.516.375-.648v1.296a.748.748 0 01-.375-.648zM4.5 19.5v-.75h10.035l-.441.75zm9.508 1.98l.34.2-.418.324zM18 19.5h-1.297L18 17.285zm0 0"/>
export const Quip = (props) => (
<Icon {...props}>
<path d="M21 21.75h-9A9.748 9.748 0 012.25 12 9.748 9.748 0 0112 2.25 9.748 9.748 0 0121.75 12v9a.75.75 0 01-.75.75zm-9-18A8.252 8.252 0 003.75 12 8.252 8.252 0 0012 20.25h8.25V12A8.252 8.252 0 0012 3.75zm0 0"/>
<path d="M15.375 9.375h-6.75a.75.75 0 010-1.5h6.75a.75.75 0 010 1.5zm0 0M15.375 16.125h-6.75a.75.75 0 010-1.5h6.75a.75.75 0 010 1.5zm0 0M17.625 12.75H6.375a.75.75 0 010-1.5h11.25a.75.75 0 010 1.5zm0 0"/>
export const Screens4 = (props) => (
<Icon {...props}>
d="M8.094 1.316a1.685 1.685 0 00-1.395 1.239l-.074.28-.348.032c-1.086.102-2.074.946-2.226 1.899l-.031.199-.262.031c-1.7.2-2.957 1.27-3.266 2.777-.258 1.27-.238 11.829.024 12.938.304 1.281 1.394 2.348 2.671 2.613 1.137.235 16.489.235 17.625 0 1.293-.27 2.434-1.406 2.696-2.691.242-1.184.242-11.676 0-12.86-.309-1.507-1.567-2.578-3.266-2.777l-.262-.031-.03-.2c-.153-.952-1.141-1.796-2.227-1.898l-.348-.031-.074-.281c-.192-.684-.711-1.137-1.438-1.243-.394-.054-7.375-.054-7.77.004M16 1.594c. 1.281l.023.3.383.024c1.23.078 2.137 1.047 2.137 2.285v.223l.309.031c1.27.13 2.32 1.024 2.675 11.07.004 11.625-.074.324-.37 1.03-.433 1.03-.016 0-.004-.038.023-.089.067-.129.067-.133-.129-.125-.11 0-.207.04-.258.098-.046.05-.023-.012.055-.14.074-.13.188-.372.246-.54l.11-.305.011-5.386c.016-6.067.024-5.891-.312-6.567-.352-.715-1.04-1.215-1.863-1.36-.551-.1-15.329-.097-15.883 0-1.106.196-1.922 1.024-2.114 2.145-.058.328-.066 1.246-.054 5.782l.011 5.386.11.305c. 0-.356-.695-.434-1.027-.13-.56-.13-11.165.004-11.63.355-1.253 1.406-2.148 2.675-2.277l.309-.031v-.223c0-1.238.906-2.207 2.137-2.285l.383-.023.023-.301a1.503 1.503 0 01.941-1.277c.383-.149 7.625-.149 8.016-.004m-7.734.14c-.567.118-.97.586-1.036 1.2l-.023.253h.75l.027-.195c.075-.57-.074-.55 4.016-.55s3.941-.02 4.016.55l.027.196h.75l-.023-.254c-.055-.504-.344-.922-.782-1.125-.23-.106-7.23-.172-7.722-.075m-1.844 1.79c-.934.148-1.64 1.019-1.64 2.015v.18h1.16l.019-.305c.031-.469.242-.695.719-.773.379-.063 10.261-.063 10.64 0 .477.078.688.304.72.773l.019.305h1.16v-.18c0-1.02-.707-1.867-1.688-2.023-.383-.059-10.738-.055-11.11.007m13.571 4.329c.215.109.313.195.422.37l.14.231.005 2.512c0 1.383-.004 2.39-.016 2.242l-.016-.27-.23.02c-.125.012-.235.004-.242-.012-.008-.02-.137-.023-.285-.015l-.27.015v.375c0 1.11-.637 2-1.629 2.274-.492.133-11.25.133-11.742 0-.973-.27-1.629-1.172-1.629-2.239 0-.418.023-.402-.574-.394-.2.004-.364-.012-.364-.031 0-.207-.093.039-.105.277-.008.176-.02-.805-.027-2.176l-.008-2.488.133-.25c.148-.29.422-.488.761-.555.114-.023 3.57-.039 7.805-.035l7.598.008.273.14M2.602 20.86c. 0-.106-.086-.207-.188-.102-.101-.172-.187-.16-.187.011 0 . .008-.09.094-.199.2l-.2.183.185-.199c.175-.183.214-.223.214-.183" />
export const SketchUp = (props) => (
<Icon {...props}>
d="M21.29 19.465 6.144 23.762 3.14 14.418 1.098 2.176 15.488.238l7.414 5.696Zm-14.927-1.61 4.617-1.183-1.18-2.254-4.296.965Zm-1.398-6.554 4.512-.965 1.183 2.144 5.047-1.07-3.117-3.867-8.485 1.504Zm10.203-9.664L2.602 3.247 3.46 5.18l9.02-1.29 3.332 3.329 5.261-.86Zm0 0" />
Thank you for all of your work!
Drew a Remnote icon
export const Remnote = (props) => (
<Icon {...props}>
<path d="M8.5 15h7l2.95 4.213a.5.5 0 0 1-.41.787H5.96a.5.5 0 0 1-.41-.787L8.5 15Z" />
<path d="M.5 15a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5H12l-3.6 5H.5Z" />
<path d="M2.146 5.986a.525.525 0 0 1 0-.722l2.896-3.016a.476.476 0 0 1 .704.012L10 7l2 3H6L2.146 5.986Z" />
<path d="M23.5 15a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-4a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5H12l3.6 5h7.9Z" />
<path d="M21.854 5.986a.525.525 0 0 0 0-.722l-2.896-3.016a.476.476 0 0 0-.704.012L14 7l-2 3h6l3.854-4.014Z" />
<path d="M10 .5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5V10h-4V.5Z" />
Not sure if anyone else uses the app for this, but I figured I'd post it here just in case.
Thank you both @mrala & @cjnewco for these icons, I added them in the codebase and linked them to these apps. Let me know if I got some app names wrong and some icons are not showing.
I updated the TODO list and I will add the latest 2 requested icons soon!
Pushed a few more icons your way:
- Plexamp
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe After Effects
- Creative Cloud
- Bitwig Studio
Would you mind adding an icon for Pins?
export const Pins = (props) => (
<Icon {...props}>
<path d="M11 17h2v5l-2 2v-7zm3.571-12c0-2.903 2.36-3.089 2.429-5h-10c.068 1.911 2.429 2.097 2.429 5 0 3.771-3.429 3.291-3.429 10h12c0-6.709-3.429-6.229-3.429-10z"/>
Can I get an icon for the Arc Browser? Thank you very much @kvndrsslr
@litszwaiboris Heres the one that I made
export const Arc = (props) => (
<Icon {...props}>
<path fill-opacity=".7" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M23.466 6.208a2.537 2.537 0 0 1 1.326 3.333c-1.744 4.048-3.938 6.784-6.485 8.372-2.586 1.614-5.29 1.889-7.705 1.451-2.364-.428-4.444-1.53-6.001-2 .69-1.476-1.1-2.817-2.502-3.387-3.802a2.536 2.536 0 0 1 4.645-2.04s. 9.28 0 0 0 1.308 1.169c1.103.82 2.47 1.513 3.876 1.768 1.356.245 2.746.09 4.117-.76 4 1.41-.88 3.035-2.65 4.51-6.075a2.537 2.537 0 0 1 3.334-1.326Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/>
<path d="M10.167 1.79a3.13 3.13 0 0 1 5.676.038l7.88 17.241A3.139 3.139 0 1 1 18 21.65l-5.024-11.307-5.689 11.523a2.994 2.994 0 0 1-5.39-2.606l8.27-17.468Z"/>
Thank you very much @cjnewco
I added Mimestream & Anki icons.
@cjnewco & @mrala I added your icons (Arc & Pins) in master, thanks!
Is this where I can request? I'm missing:
- Apple calendar
- SuperProductivity
- GnuCash
Thanks ❤️
I added SuperProductivity & GnuCash icons. Let me know if they are correctly linked to the app. If not let me know the exact app/process name so I can correct it.
About the Apple Calendar app there is already an icon linked to the app (app name: "Calendar"). What is the app/process name of you calendar app?