
Results 81 issues of Jean-Luc-Picard-2021

Would it be possible to have some time/1 and statistics/2 predicate? Its not listed here: Which is understandable, since the ISO core standard doesn't mention it. But how about...

Lets say this feature request would be realized: **feature request time/1 and/or statistics/2 predicate** What would I measure a Prolog system with or without garbage collection? Is this documented...

If I use this Prolog text: ``` human(socrates). % This is a fact. mortal(X) :- human(X). % This is a rule. ``` Everything works fine: ``` ?- human(X). X =...

I don't know exactly where it happens, but it happens: ``` tests$ ~/go/bin/1pl Top level for ichiban/prolog v1.2.1 This is for testing purposes only! See for more details. Type...

I currently get: ``` $ ~/go/bin/1pl -v Top level for ichiban/prolog v1.2.1 This is for testing purposes only! See for more details. Type Ctrl-C or 'halt.' to exit. ?-...

Many Prolog systems implement the semantics that consult, is not relative to the current working directory, except in the case of a top-level request, but rather relative to the file...

While trying to do protobuf syntax with library(dcg/high_order)) it seems there is small glitch in the docu. It says here: ``` Element?, (Sep,Element)* ``` But what it actually does...

Strange it can allocate one run: ``` $ ulimit -m 2000000 $ ulimit -v 2000000 $ ./tpl -v Trealla Prolog (c) Infradig 2020-2024, v2.55.18 $ ./tpl ?- ['bomb.p']. true ?-...

Sometimes: ``` ?- X=[a,b|X], length(X, N). throw(error(resource_error(finite_memory),length/2)). ``` But not here: ``` ?- VN = ['U'=X,'V'=Y | VN], write_term(f(X,g(Y,X),Y), [variable_names(VN)]), nl. ^C ``` Also Ctrl-C doesn't work in the above...

Currently GNU Prolog shows me: ``` /* GNU Prolog 1.5.0 */ ?- X is 0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1. X = 0.79999999999999993 ?- 0.79999999999999993 == 0.7999999999999999. Yes ?- X is 23/10. X = 2.2999999999999998...