Keep in mind that is only correct on a Windows computer, and Garry's Mod works on Linux and Mac.
It never worked in the first place for me, the whole time I've been using it.
Here's the console logs (http://pastebin.com/tvM19RxK) It's almost as if Evolve is restricting playermodels for some reason, even though I never knew it had this capability, based off the in-game actions.
lua\includes\ev_von, which I believe is where it goes. Besides, I did it using recursive also, so that shouldn't have been a problem unless he didn't update it, in which it...
Anything specific need to be added to it?
Alright, thanks
The problem here is that; when you download this as a .zip it does not download the vON, You need to download that from here (https://github.com/vercas/vON) then put it in...
You need to have them as a VPK, Which you can extract from the source SDK folders. Then you would put them into your server's "Sound" folder.